Trio Trial (X-Men Movieverse, John/Rogue/Bobby, #573)

Sep 28, 2014 21:24

Title: Trio Trial
Fandom: X-Men (Movieverse)
Challenge: #573 Work
Pairings: John/Rogue/Bobby
Rating: PG-13
Words: 487
Timeline: Set before X-Men 2
Warnings: Contains mature content, threesome, voyeurism

Bobby’s smiling at Rogue, that dopey grin he always wears whenever she’s looking at him. Reaching for her gloved hand, squeezing it in his own. Rogue smiles back, a little shyly, but John sees the heat behind it, the hunger.

Bobby can keep seeing her like a fairy princess all he wants, but John’s here for Rogue’s fucked-up issues and that nasty dry humour of hers.

They balance each other out, and maybe that’s why he’s so convinced this is gonna work.

But it won’t work at all if they both disappear into their own private fantasy and leave him sat there like a damn idiot. So John shuffles forward on his knees, gets his hand wrapped in Bobby’s collar, and yanks on it hard enough to make Bobby rock towards him.

Bobby blinks at him with his stupidly blue eyes, hand dropping from Rogue’s grip in surprise, and John smothers his victorious smirk against Bobby’s lips.

They both inhale sharply, Rogue and Bobby together. John only hears Rogue’s breath, his eyes closed as he savours the moment. But he feels Bobby’s gasp, cool air brushing his mouth as he angles his head better before making the kiss deeper.

Bobby’s a little flushed when John pulls back, eyes a little glassy. John turns to Rogue, and her pupils are dilated, watching them intently. She doesn’t say anything, not with words, but John hears her loud and clear all the same.

“Do that again.”

So he does. Kisses Bobby, nice and messy, gaze flickering to Rogue every so often. She’s sat on a chair beside the bed, fingers digging into her knees, and it’s nice but John wants her closer.

He knows how careful she is, how wary of her powers she needs to be. That’s the whole point of this, of her getting to watch. But he doesn’t want her completely apart, he wants to see Rogue come undone as much as he wants to see it from Bobby.

She lets John take her hand, tug her out of the chair, and Bobby smiles at her with kiss-swollen lips. She kneels on the mattress behind Bobby, and he looks like he’s going to turn towards her, but she runs her fingers through his hair and he settles.

John kisses him again, slower this time, keeping his eyes open the whole while so he can watch the play of Rogue’s hands over Bobby’s scalp. It means he catches the moment Rogue’s fingers flex, he’s ready when she yanks Bobby’s head back, just hard enough to make him shiver. Exposing his neck for John to drag his mouth over, his lips on one side and Rogue’s gloved fingers on the other.

He digs in with his teeth, Rogue digs in with her fingernails, and Bobby moans for them both.

Rogue’s other hand brushes hair from John’s forehead and he thinks, yeah, this dynamic of theirs is definitely gonna work.

fandom: marvel, fandom: x-men, author: salmon_pink

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