Riptide; Nick/Cody; Challenge 136 Over

Dec 03, 2008 23:16

Title: So Damned Hard
Author: tinx_r
Pairing/Characters: Cody Allen/Nick Ryder
Challenge: 189 Pain for slashthedrabble, 136 Over for writers_choice
Crossposted: slashthedrabble, pier56
Rating/Category: PG/Slash
Word Count: 200
Summary: Cody's having dinner with Sheila, and Nick's at Straightaway's with Murray. And it hurts... (Set during Double your Pleasure)
Disclaimer: Not mine. No money being made. No copyright infringement intended.
Beta: oddmonster who rocks more than anyone will ever know. Srsly.
Series/U: Out of the Dark
Notes/Warnings: Double-drabble. This breaks Tinx's happy ending rule sorry - but if you flick ahead to Promise Nothing, that's your happy ending right there.

So Damned Hard

Next Story: Promise Nothing | More stories

author: tinx_r, fandom: riptide

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