Hot Naked Yoga

Jun 13, 2006 21:27

Hot Naked Yoga
Word count 898
rating PG-13 to R
notes: taibhrigh should recognise this...

Jim smiled as he climbed the stairs to the loft. He could hear the flute music Blair used when he meditated or did yoga. He wondered if he would find Blair in the classic lotus position for he used when meditating or some twisted pretzel yoga position. Softly setting his bag down, he quietly opened the door, wanting to surprise Blair. He was home from the conference a couple of days early finding nothing of interest in the speakers scheduled for the last two days.

He was, however, unprepared for the wave of heat that assaulted him as he opened the door. It felt like Blair had turned the furnace on high and stoked the fireplace. It was cold outside but not cold enough for Blair to turn the loft into a sweat lodge. Closing the door behind him, Jim looked around for Blair.

If he had been unprepared for the heat wave, then he was really unprepared to find Blair sitting in the middle of the floor in some incomprehensible position, stark naked. His original plan to surprise Blair went awry when he saw him. He couldn't help but stand and watch as Blair shifted from position to position while the sweat beaded and rolled down his body. He only felt remotely guilty watching Blair like this. The positions accentuated different parts of Blair's body and for the first time he noticed Blair had a tattoo on his right hip. He recognized the Haida rendition of a howling wolf and wondered how long Blair'd had it.

Had his Guide had it all along and not told him about it because he actually thought he was serious about kicking Blair's butt if he got a tattoo? Or had he gotten it since they met and the wolf made itself known as his spirit guide? He really hoped Blair understood that his teasing was just that -- teasing.

Jim pondered his questions as he continued to watch Blair. He was almost disappointed when the music ended and Blair stood up.

"Jim! Man. What are you doing back?" Blair questioned rapid fire.

"Came home early," Jim answered nonchalantly never taking his eyes off Blair. He looked at his guide as if he was seeing him for the first time.

"Ummm… Jim," Blair finally said when he noticed Jim was intently watching him.


Blair looked around for a towel or at least a pair of sweats to put on but found nothing close at hand nor did he want to seem overly prude and grab a pillow to put in front of him. "You're staring…"


"More than one word sentences would be helpful Big Guy," Blair suggested wanting to know what was going on in Jim's head and hoping something he said would give him a clue.

"It's hot in here," Jim commented giving Blair his more than one word sentence, but not actually answering any questions Blair was trying to ask. Of course, he wasn't actually sure of the answers or ready to admit them.

"It has to be hot for 'hot naked yoga'," Blair replied sarcastically.

"Since when do you do yoga, hot and naked? Sounds more like something your mother would be into," Jim commented over his shoulder as he walked into the kitchen to get a beer. He needed something to a.) cool him down and b.) to distract him from Blair's nude body.

"Oh man, she would love it," Blair responded excitedly putting furniture between he and Jim as he tried to make his way to his bedroom so he could put something on. He never usually had trouble with nudity, but with Jim staring at him he was suddenly self-conscious. "A friend from the U took me to a class a few weeks ago and I decided to try it at home since I'd supposedly have the loft all to myself," he answered.

"Sorry to ruin your plans. I thought maybe since I still had a couple days off we could go camping or something," Jim stated, draining half his beer. Setting the bottle down, Jim leaned against the counter and waited for Blair to respond.

"Little cold outside for camping isn't it?" Blair asked, finally opposite Jim with the counter between them. Now he just had to figure out a way to get into his bedroom without exposing himself more to Jim's gaze, especially since his body was starting to betray him.

"I suppose," Jim admitted shrugging. "How about we do a couple day hikes?" he suggested taking the final drink of his beer and turning to rinse it out, knowing full well that while his back was turned Blair would make the final escape into his bedroom. "Can I turn the heat down now?" he asked when he heard Blair bedroom door click closed then smiled at the muffled "Sure" he got in response.

Now Jim just wished there was some way to turn down his internal thermometer. Sure he could use Blair's who dial thing but he had a feeling it wouldn't work for turning down his libido. Especially since it was now turned up high thanks to see Blair's sweat slickened body. He also had a feeling that this would be the last time that Blair would try hot naked yoga again, unless of course he got up the nerve to tell his roommate how he felt about him…

author: lasairfhiona, fandom: sentinel

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