Why's it so cold

Sep 21, 2006 21:19

He was cold fucking frozen. The Photographer was taking forever and the clothes he was wearing were not designed to keep him warm. Both Jess and Deron looked warm and cozy but he was freezing. Leather was not your freind in the winter. How do cow’s do it? He wondered blankly.

“Can you put your hands out like this?” The Photographer asked.

“My finger’s are fucking frozen can you fucking finish so I can go HOME!” He snapped irritably.

“Chad,” Deron whispered.

“What?” He snapped. “This asshat is taking way to long in my opinion.” He snapped.

Deron arched an eyebrow and sighed. “Just do it,” He said.

Chad grumbled something under his breath then took up the position the photographer had requested and stared at the man. “Well, take the damn picture!”

The man snapped three times then nodded. “All done,” He said calmly.

“Fucking finally, I need a fucking beer.” He snapped stalking towards the bus and on it.

“Thats the last thing you need,” Bam stated from his seat in front of the table. He was typing away at his laptop and a steaming cup of coffee was seated next to him.

Chad glared at him and grabbed the cup ignoring the younger man’s protests he took a drink and almost spit it out. “What is this shit?!” He yelled glaring into the mug.

“Cocoa.” Bam whispered looking down.

“Cocoa?” Chad asked incredulously. “Hey Jess did you know your fucking brother drinks fucking Cocoa!” He snapped.

Jess looked up from where he was shoving a few things into a bag. “Yeah I know he hates coffee.” He responded.

“Hates Coffee? How can anybody hate strong solid delicious black coffee.”

“Well I do so fuck off,” Bam growled looking put off as he grabbed the mug from Chad and thunked it down on the table glaring he grabbed his ear buds and shoved them in his ears. “Asshole,” He mumbeled.

Chad blinked and shrugged throwing himself down on the bench he looked at Jess. “Where you going?” He asked.

Kelly’s here were going to spend the night in a hotel.” He stated.

Chad rolled his eyes and rubbed his hands together he was still cold as fuck. “What about you Deron?” He asked.

“Going to the movies, that new Horror movie See No Evil came out, I wanted to catch it.” He paused then slowly spoke. “Wanna come?”

Chad arched an eyebrow looking thoughtful knowing perfectly well Deron really didn’t want him to come with at all. “Well,” He said slowly grinning when Deron frowned. “Nah, its okay go enjoy your horror movie.” He said.

Deron nodded and with Jess behind him the two left the bus. Chad lay there for a minute looking thoughtful.

“So you think there fucking each other?” He asked looking at Bam.

Bam who was taking a sip of his Hot Cocoa coughed and blinked in shock. “WHAT!?

“I said,” Chad repeated,

“I heard what you said, why on earth would you think that?” He asked,

“Same reason half the girls online who write about you think you and Valo are fucking.” He said with a calm grin.

Bam blinked. “What?” He croaked out turning to look at his lap top.

Chad hopped up and grabbed a bottle of Jack from the fridge before sitting next to Bam. “Let me show you,” He stated grinning.

Bam blinked unable to stop Chad as he typed quickly an address into the address Bar. “The Bam Margera/Ville Valo Community?” He asked.

Chad nodded taking a drink from the bottle. “Yeah, its called Vam.” He said getting up and heading for the back of the bus.

Bam just sat starring at the screen still, Chad couldn’t help but grin. Jess was going to kill him. That was for sure. Introducing His Baby brother to the world of Vam. He snickered stretching out on his bunk he closed his eyes. He must of passed out because he woke up with a odd taste in his mouth and he was freezing cold still. In fact he was so cold his entire frame was shaking hard. He slowly sat up stiff from the cold and looked out of his bunk. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE FUCKING HEAT ON THIS GOD FORSAKEN BUS?”

“You broke it last week when you were cold,” Bam responded from where he was still seated.

Chad blinked thinking this bit of information over then nodded. “Oh,” He said getting up and stomping to the kitchenette area with the idea of fixing himself some coffee only to find there was none. “Where’s the fucking coffee?”

“Jess drank it this morning,” Bam responded.

“Well, fuck.” Chad said looking at the coffee pot. “That sucks.”

Bam snickered. “You could always drink Cocoa.” He stated simply.

“Fuck your cocoa.” Chad snapped irritably.

“No thank you,” Bam responded with a grin.

Chad arched an eyebrow then shuffled over eyeing what Bam was wearing, he was wearing a Hoodie HIM not CKY how annoying, black sweat pants heavy socks and a pair of fingerless gloves. “You must be pretty toastie.” He stated calmly.

Bam shrugged. “Well, I knew the heat was broke,” He said not looking up from whatever it was he was working on.

Chad glared at Bam silently for a second then stalked towards the front of the bus. He sat in the drivers seat not looking out he began fiddling with the nobs. “How come Hanna hasn’t gotten this fixed?” He asked.

“Because you’ll just break it again,” Bam responded still not even looking up at the older man.

Chad growled and sat back in his seat his eyes looking out the window. They widened slightly. “Holy fuck,” He commented.

Bam finally looked up blinking. “What?” He asked.

“When did it start storming?” He asked blinking and leaning forward to look out the window.

Bam got up moving closer to the front of the bus and looked outside. “I don’t know while you were sleeping I geuss.” He responded.

“Well, duh it wasn’t snowing like this when everyone left,” chad responded still looking out the window.

“Might explain why Jess called and said he wasn’t coming back tonight,” Bam called as he walked away.

“Or he’s fucking Deron,” Chad responded with a grin.

“My brother is not fucking Deron!” Bam snapped looking annoyed. “Jess is not gay!”

“Sure he’s not,” He responded with a laugh.

“Fuck you!” Bam snapped looking pissed.

“Sorry, I don’t fuck outside my species,” Chad said with a grin sitting down and putting his feet up.

Bam glared at him then shook his head he picked up a napkin off the table and threw it at him.

Chad arched an eyebrow looking at the Napkin then at Bam. “Was that supposed to hurt?” He asked.

“No, it’s a hint,”

“For what?”

“Go Shower you stink,”

Chad smirked getting to his feet. “I stink do I?” He asked moving towards Bam.

“Yes, you stink,”

“This from the man who farts in his friends faces,” Chad snorted.

Bam glared at Chad silently. “This from the man who drinks enough to keep an entire pirate ship lit for a mellenium.”

Chad glared Bam glared right back. “Fucker,” Chad growled.

“Asshole,” He snapped back.

“Go to hell,”

“I’m already there!”

“So mature,”

Chad glared at Bam silently fists clenched he wanted to punch the skater he really did instead he grabbed a bottle from the mini fridge and chugged from it silently downing half the bottle.

“Yes, Chad lets get drunker.” Bam snipped.

Chad just looked at Bam and said nothing walking past the Skater he tossed himself down on the bench and turned on the Television flipping silently through the channels as he nursed the bottle now.

Bam glanced over at him then climbed to his feet and started digging through the cabinets humming something to himself as he did. Chad turned his head watching the Skater silently finally getting annoyed he pulled his shoe off his foot and chucked it at him. “What the fuck are you doing!” He snapped.

Bam yelped in surprise rubbing his arm from where the offending object had made contact. “Looking for more cocoa. Its cold in here.” He responded.

Chad snorted and took another drink from his bottle smirking slightly as Bam started cussing. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

Bam glanced at him and stood up finally. “Were out of Cocoa.” He said pouting.

Chad bit his lip to keep from laughing. “Drink Whiskey,”

“Fuck your whiskey,” Bam responded crossing his arms.

“Come on it’ll warm you up,” Chad said holding the bottle out.

Bam eyed him suspiciously then sighed and walked over grabbing the bottle he flopped down barley missing Chad’s legs as he did so and taking a long swig from the bottle.

Chad watched silently as the younger man drank about a third of what was left in the bottle then pulled away wiping his lips. “DAMN!”

Bam blinked and looked at him. “What?”

“Didn’t think you could handle your liquor like that,” He stated.

“Well, I guess you were wrong,” Bam responded then shivered. “Fuck, its cold in here.”

“Yeah, your point being?” Chad asked smirking.

Bam leaned back and looked out the blinds breathing on the glass he grinned. “Its gonna get colder, a LOT colder.” He nodded.

“Well, there’s blankets,” He said smirking.

Bam shot a glare at him and took another drink from the bottle shivering as the warm liquor scorched its way down into his stomach.

Chad watched him then grinned deciding it was time to freak the boy out. He sat up and wrapped his arms around the Skater grinning as he tensed. He pulled him back dragging him so he was now forced to lay on top of him. “There will keep each other warm,” he commented ideally.

Bam didn’t move for several minutes then slowly he wiggeled around so he was more comfertably and placed the bottle to his lips and swallowing. Chad sighed and closed his eyes for a second then chuckeled. “You’re an ass,”

“You started it,” Bam pointed out.. “Besides I’m warm now,”

He blinked watching the Skater watch TV wondering silently how far he could take this before Bam freaked out and cracked him over the head with the bottle. He licked his lips and slowly slid his hand up and across the Skaters waist. He slowly slid his finger’s under the hoodie and began to rub at the small amount of flesh he could reach smirking when Bam tensed yet again.

“What are you doing?” Bam said tilting his head up to looking at him.

“Getting comfertable,” Chad responded smirking. “You?”

Bam narrowed his eyes and rolled so he now was laying ontop of the guitarist glaring down at him. He studied him silently jumping when rough fingers slid under the back of his shit and started that ever increasing circle on his back. “Nothing, getting annoyed.”

“I’m just trying to warm you up,” Chad responded innocently.

Bam shook his head and sighed resting his head back on Chads chest he turned his head to look back at the TV trying relishing the gentle touch on his back. Several silent minutes passed between the two and Chad was beginning to wonder if maybe Bam had fallen asleep on him when the Skater spoke up. “Is it just me or is it getting dimmer in here?”

“Your just falling asleep,” Chad responded.

Bam slowly sat up straddling the guitarists hips and stretched looking around. “No, its defiantly getting dimmer,” He stated then yelped as the TV and Laptop snapped off and the lights dimmed out bathing the bus in a pale blue light from the storm outside.

Chad arched an eyebrow watching Bam who was jerking around erratically on his lap now trying to see why the power went out. He’d be insane if he said the movements weren’t turning him on and he was glad as fuck when the younger man jumped off his lap and went to the front of the bus. “No juice,” Bam mumbeled.

“Huh?” Chad asked sitting up.

“The battery died, it ran out of juice.” He said calmly.

“Well that blows,” Chad said.

“Will have to hike over to the hotel,” Bam said searching for his shoes and a coat.


“It’ll get to fucking cold in here if we stay,” Bam pointed out.

Chad sighed and climbed to his feet and pulled back the curtain blocking the window. “We will Also freeze to death if we TRY walking through that to the hotel two blocks down.” He stated nodding out the window.

Bam stood up and gazed out the window sighing. “Fuck, fuck fuck!” He snapped.

“What’s a matter Bam afraid of a little cold?” Chad asked moving up to the skater.

“No,” He pouted again.

Chad stared at him darkly frankly he was still quite turned on by the wiggling antics of the skater from a few minutes ago and that bottom lip was making itself quite enticing. “Sure your not,” He breathed into Bam’s ear.

The warm breath brushing against his ear forced a shiver down his spine and he whimpered softly he opened his mouth to speak only to find Chad’s lips. He whimpered softly then moaned as the sudden kiss deepened and strong hands gripped his back pulling him close to the other body.

Bam whimpered softly his fingers twining into the loose t-shirt the other man was wearing panting softly.

Chad broke the kiss and quickly shoved Bam towards the back of the bus till they reached the bunks. He shoved the younger man down into the bed and crawled on top of him kissing him again digging finger’s into tender flesh.

Bam groaned arching up into the touch upon his body. Chads guitar roughened fingers were driving him nuts. He whimpered pushing his body up against the older mans rocking his hips as they came in contact with his hip. His breath coming out in shaky bursts as he continued grinding himself upwards.

“Easy,” Chad groaned. “Wait for me,” He mumbeled licking and sucking the younger man’s neck then biting softly. He pushed the heavy hoody upwards pulling it over Bam’s head he ducked his head as he tossed it aside licking and nipping at the flesh that was now exposed his cock getting harder with every panted moan that escaped the skater’s lips.

Bam whimpered withering his fingers digging into Chad’s shoulders and kneading painfully at the mans shoulders. “Oh fuck...god...Chad.” He whimpered.

“Yeah Bam?” Chad gasped out lifting his head to meet blue eyes.

“Want you,” He gasped arching his hips as Chad’s fingers tangled into the belt buckle tugging on it till it was gone and the pants and boxer followed it shortly after. Chad sat back on his hunches starring at the man that lay before him. His for the taking and he was going to take. He slowly slid back up Bam’s body kissing him deeply he wrapped one roughened hand around the younger man’s straining erection and began to stroke him gently.

Bam panted out whining softly bucking his hips so he could fuck Chad’s hand shivering at the rough abrasive skin on the older man’s hand as it scrapped across his aching hard on. “Chad,”

“I’m getting there,” The older man chuckled sliding his hand from the younger man’s cock to gently rub the tender flesh just behind his balls watching Bam’s blue eyes roll upwards he grinned and slid his fingers down father rubbing gently at the puckered entrance. “Lube,” He questioned quickly panting heavily.

“Fuck, no.” He panted out. “Didn’t plan for this,” He moaned weakly.

Chad groaned burying his face into Bam’s neck panting his eyes traveled over the headboard of the bunk searching for something he could use. He suddenly grinned as his eyes landed on a white tube with a blue top. He grabbed it and pulled it over to him popping the top he poured the white creme onto his fingers. “This is gonna hurt,” he whispered.

“Yeah,” Bam whispered panting still withering under Chad’s heated weight. “Do it,”

Chad nodded and pressed his lotion slicked fingers to the younger mans entrance pressing in slowly. He watched Bam silently as the man arched up off the bunk groaning loudly his fingers twisting in the bed sheets. He leaned down and nipped gently then rougher at the younger man’s flesh pushing his finger deeper inside and wiggling it around. He slid up kissing him deeply then slowly thrust his finger in and out.

Bam whined softly panting loudly. “Fuck, Chad....god more.”

Chad smirked leaning up and kissing Bam deeply on the lips. “I am not God, but you’ll think I am when were done.” He smirked.

“Fuck you,” Bam grunted out then howled as Chad added a second finger to the first.

“Isn’t that what were doing?” He asked grinning in amusement as Bam thrashed in pleasure.

Bam just made unintelligible sounds as he cried out shaking sweat beading on his throat as Chad continued his ministrations on the younger man adding a third finger and watching his cock twitching in anticipation of fucking the younger man.
He moved his fingers pressing them upwards till they reached that spot deep inside the skater, Bam’s body arched off the bed and he howled loudly shaking as he neared climax Chad leaned in capturing Bam’s lips in his soaking in the cries of pleasure as the younger man cam hard his cum splashing there stomachs. Chad slowly pulled back from the kiss trailing his finger’s through the sticky mess he slowly coated his cock with it.

“This is gonna hurt,” He whispered in Bam’s ear. “Are you sure you want this?” He growled.

Bam nodded panting dazedly. “Yes, I..i want you.” He moaned softly.

Chad chuckled and gently kissed Bam again then slowly pushed his cock to the younger man’s entrance pushing slowly forward stopping when he felt Bam tense. He ran his fingers gently through Bam’s hair. “Its okay,” He panted. “Relax.”

Bam nodded taking a deep breath he slowly relaxed and then groaned loudly as Chad shifted his hips pressing all the way into the younger man. He buried his face in Bam’s neck groaning loudly. “Fuck,”

“Uhhh,” Bam groaned out loudly his whole body shaking and his previously flaccid cock was already filling and growing hard again. The burning stretching sensation running through his body was causing his muscles to tense in rolling movements from head to toe. He gasped softly as Chad slowly pulled out and pushed back in.

Chad leaned in capturing the younger man’s lips he planted his hands on the bed on either side of Bam’s head and slowly began thrusting gaining speed as he did. Bam’s cries of pleasure fueling him on until he was thrusting as hard as he could kissing and nipping at the sweaty flesh below him.

Bam’s body was tensing already and Chad groaned as the tightness that surrounded him got tighter. He thrust harder feeling that familiar tightening in his stomach he moaned loudly burying his face in Bam’s shoulder he thrust one final time as Bam cried out cumming hard the smaller body shaking under him he groaned loudly shooting his seed into the quivering body beneath him.

He slowly slumped down on top of Bam panting heavily he slowly rolled pulling out of the younger man he looked over at him. “Yeah,” He said weakly.

Bam looked at him dazidly and sighed rolling into Chad he closed his eyes snuggling close. “Warm,” He mumbeled softly.

Chad chuckeled softly grabbing the blankets he pulled them up over him and the Skater. Well, at least he wasn’t cold anymore.

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