(no subject)

Jul 12, 2006 00:19

April glanced up as the door opened and closed softly expecting to see a nurse, not a tall skinny pale man with a white bandage around one pale arm. “Can I help you?” She asked thinking he was lost.

“My name is Ville Valo,” He said slowly nervously looking down.

“And?” She asked then blinked it dawning on her who this man was. “My son’s neighbor,” She stated.

He nodded slowly. “Deron said I could come in and see him, if that’s okay with you.” He said softly.

She nodded. “He’s sleeping, but you can come in of course.” She said smiling softly.

He stepped further into the room slowly making his way up to the bed. He glanced down looking at Bam, who was curled on his side sleeping seemingly peaceful. He sighed gently brushing his pale fingers through the dark curls. “I’m so sorry,” He whispered. “I should of done something sooner.” He whispered.

April watched him silently as he slowly sat down looking at her sleeping sun silently. “I should of stopped him. I should of known.” He repeated in a whisper. “I’m so sorry.”

She moved from her seat and gently placed a hand on Ville’s back. “This isn’t your fault.” She said gently, smiling kindly. “You didn’t even know my son and you were kind enough to tell Jess and Chad where he was staying so they could save him.”

Ville looked at her blinking slowly. “But, maybe he could of avoided this if I had called the police.” He stammered.

April smiled patting his cheak. “Its okay don’t worry so much. He’s alive and that’s thanks to you,” She said.

“Mrs. Margera?” Man’s voice said from the doorway causing both Ville and April to turn to look.

The man in the doorway was wearing a dark suit and had short cut dark hair, which was slicked back revealing a bald spot. His nose was long and pointed, it would remind one of a beak. His eyes were sharp like a hawks and he took everything in in the room in a single sweep. He was tall and skinny, not quite as skinny as Ville but close. His suit was neat and ironed. He looked at April silently then spoke again.

“I’m Detective Raymond Vecchio. I was assigned to your son’s case,” He said gently.

She nodded blinking. “He’s resting detective. Prehaps you could come back later,” She suggested gently.

He sighed. “The sooner I speak with him the sooner I can press charges against Mr. Dunn.” He said calmly.

She sighed softly then nodded. “Ville, sweetie, can you leave us alone,” She asked of him gently.

Ville nodded slowly. “Of course Ma’m.” he said softly rising to his feet.

“Ville?” The detective asked. “Ville Valo?” He continued.

Ville froze and nodded slowly. “Yes sir,” He said respectivly.
“I need to speak with you as well,” The detective stated calmly. “Why don’t you and I step out into the hallway while Mrs. Margera gets her son ready?”

Ville swallowed and nodding stepping towards the doorway. He stepped through the door, the man behind him. He followed him to a set of chairs and sat when asked to. He watched him pull a notebook from within his jacket and slowly flip to a clean page. “Can you tell me what happened the day of the attack Mr. Valo?” He asked placing his pen to paper.

Ville looked down at his hands, watching his thumbs silently as they twisted back and forth over each other. He took a deep breath steadying himself. “I woke up early that day because I could hear Mr. Margera crying,”

“How often were you awoken by Mr. Margera crying?” Vecchio interupted.

“Nearly everyday,” Ville responded.

“Why didn’t you ever do anything before that day?” He pressed.

Ville shrugged. “I’ve been in America way to long I suppose, I’ve picked up the ‘Its none of my buisness’ attitude.” He responded.

“So on the day of the attack, what possesed you to go with Mr. Margera to his family’s home?”

Ville swallowed. “I’m not really sure, I was getting in my car to go job hunting when I saw Bam. He just looked so horrid, and yet so broken down, I suppose.” He paused. “I thought at one point during that conversation, there on the street corner, he was going to step off the curb and let a speeding truck hit him.” He said slowly.

“And why did you care then?” Vecchio questioned.

“I’m not completely Americanized,” Ville responded eyeing the detective silently.

A/N: Short yes I know but if you wanted a chapter before I ran away for a week to Ohio your gonna have to like it. Now, I’ll hopefully be able to update when I return as well so pray with me. LOL!!
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