Then What, if I lose you?

Oct 09, 2006 21:57

Jess jumped at the first scream from his brother. He sat silent for a minute looking at Kelly who just shrugged. He slowly got to his feet as another scream this one terrified and desperate broke through the silence. “Bam?” He said going towards the front porch.

The scream came again this one weakening Jess picked up speed and quickly ran through the front door pausing on the porch searching for his brother. He finally found the younger man huddled on the porch pressed into the railing whimpering his face buried in his knees. His arms crossed in front of his face.

“Bam?” Jess said moving towards his brother.

Bam’s head came up slowly starring at Jess. Jess’s eyes went wide at the sight of the dark bruising on the left side of his face. “Bam, who did this to you?” He asked.

Bam blinked shivering rocking back and forth. “Johnny,” he cried softly.

“Bam,” He said softly kneeling down.

“Jesse,” He cried softly lunging at Jess and clinging to him sobbing. “It was him I know it was him, I could feel him, I could smell him.” He sobbed. “Its hurts,”

“I know Bam,” He said softly figuring the younger man had fallen asleep and dreamed his lover into existence for the moment. “Come on lets go inside.”

Bam whimpered but didn’t move shivering as Jess helped him to his feet. “Okay,” he said softly. Jess slowly helped his brother up gently guiding him back into the house past Kelly who looked confused. “I don’t think Chad will be back tonight, I’m gonna put Bam in his bed okay?” He asked.

She nodded. “Is he okay?” She asked. “Does he need anything?”

He looked thoughtful then nodded. “Yeah, an ice pack and one of Chad’s sleeping pills.” He responded.

She blinked. “What happened?”

“Nightmare,” Jess said helping Bam upstairs.

Kelly blinked and sighed heading for the kitchen. Jess gently lead Bam upstairs and into the room Chad was using. He gently lay Bam on the bed covering him. “Hang on buddy alright.” He said smoothing the dark curls on his brother’s head. He looked up when Kelly came in holding a glass of water, an ice pack and a small bottle of pills. “Here Jess,” She said softly.

He nodded setting the objects on the bed side table he sat on the edge of the bed. “Here Bam,” He said softly screwing the cap off the medicine bottle. He slowly shook a pill into his hand. “Here Bro, this will help with your headache.”

Bam slowly put the pill in his mouth taking the glass of water he took a drink from the glass sighing softly then lay back down. Jess gently picked up the cloth wrapped Ice pack placing it on Bam’s cheek. “Here we go Bam, its alright now.”

Bam blinked. “It was really him Jesse.” He whispered.

Jess nodded smoothing Bam’s hair. “I know Bam,” He said softly. “I know,”

Bam nodded laying his head back. “He told me-“ He stammered fighting the drug already working in his system. “He told me, “ He sighed his eyes sliding shut.

“Its okay Bam, you just sleep now.” He said smoothing his hair until he was certain his brother was asleep. He gently pulled the blanket up smoothing Bam’s hair once more then got to his feet. He made his way towards the door pausing as he eyed the notebook on the desk. He slowly fiddled with the cardboard cover then slowly opened it looking down at the words written on the page.
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