This is one of those random "hey, I have to tell somebody this cool THING" posts! First, I dreamed last night of a great black dragon unfurling from the earth and taking flight to terrorize the city. Today I found out from Facebook (of all places) that today marks the beginning of Chinese New Year: and this year is the Year of the Dragon! Pretty cool, yes? I wonder what it means.
When I did a little digging on the internet, I also found some interesting stuff related to Chinese astrology. According to the date and time I was born, my year is the Black Cow (sooooo not as cool as the dragon, but whatever). Even more interesting is this chart about my lucky times:
The Rise and Fall Chart of Your Life
"The Blue Bar stands for the beginning Luck Level when you were born. Each Red Bar stands for the Luck Level for 10 years. When you are in luck, the Red Bar is longer than the Blue Bar. Your good marriage should be in the longest Red Bar or a longer Red Bar period during the marriage age. Your career should begin in a longer Red Bar too. Usually, you can find two consecutive longer Red Bars together, which are your best 20 years."
I'm a little sad that the best years of my life were 7-26. However, I have to say, this is pretty accurate. The best years of my marriage were right there in the 17-26 bar (which is actually my tallest bar-- the graph didn't totally translate to livejournal). And I also started my career during that time. As for 27-36... yeah, that's about right, too. I definitely had some ups during that decade, but if that's the lowest point of my life, I'm definitely not going to complain. Happily, it looks like things are on the upswing!
I don't know how much I believe of this, but it is a little spooky how accurately this portrays my life thus far.
And to you, Year of the Dragon: bring it on! I'm ready!