It's been a long time since I've read a thriller, or a book with (basically) only three straight white male characters, but I really enjoyed this one. It's no surprise that Lynch has been a National Book Award finalist or that he's won a bunch of awards (also no surprise he has an MFA, but I won't go there now). Kill Switch is a fast read but doesn't sacrifice character development in service of plot. It's also very short, so there's no "soggy middle" to slog through (which is my problem with some thrillers I've read in the past).
Don't know if I'd read another of his books, especially if they're as narrowly focused as Kill Switch. I like to spend a little more time in the fictional worlds I visit. And then there's the matter of the narrow focus on straight white male characters. I went to the library for my morning constitutional & looked at two of Lynch's other books & they both seemed to be populated with the same type of people. I liked his style enough to do a little research & see whether that was just coincidence or a full-fledged trend. I hope to find at least one more of his that I'd like to read.
Rec? Yep! Picked nits above aside, it was a good one.
Now I'm off to participate in the Unemployment Department's little sing-a-long & then write & edit some fiction!
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