Hawaii Five-0 Episode 215 - Mai Ka Wa Kahiko (Out of the Past)
I really hate these breaks between episodes! and I'm NOT talking about Tuesday-Sunday! lmao
Of all the previews/extended clips, OMG so much excitement for this episode!
Just waiting for the download link and to hopefully watch it early
the opening scene/murder just has me going really?! wtf
umm can the guy actually leave the prisoner like that?!
because that was stupid and of course he'd vanish
wow! how'd the blood get all over like that?!
I don't think Lori properly stretched. that's not going to be good
oh ouch. that's why you aren't supposed to run up/down stairs. you can really hurt yourself
If I was a Lori/Steve shipper, I'd be so happy with that little moment - that he was carrying her, not that she was hurt
oh Steve...looking good like that
oh that's the connection to Danny
oh look at that. they're getting away
I'd kind of like to learn to play poker...
Danny's taking a lesson from Steve
hmm I wonder what the key was...
yay Charlie!
and the plot thickens...
so I just realized they're driving around in Steve's truck. ha!
omg that's creepy and makes my stomach turn
umm no. Tennis instructor you failed!
I'd totally fire that tennis instructor
omg creepy1
he has 2 phones?!
can he monitor text messages since the phone is cloned?
skeevy Rick, stop calling him D!
omg I'm tingling all over
now you know a few ppl had to call about swome guy driving the wrong way on the street
gah Danny loves his family so much it's heartbreaking
this is why there needs to be chips implanted under their skin
okay, so I didn't tear up like I thought I would, but damn, this episode was fucking fantastic!
lied. I have tears
as usual, looking for a clip of next week's episode
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is that Steve going over the side of a building?! omfg!
who's blood is Lori washing off her hands?! and what is her fault?!