{DRABBLE} Call to Arms (Danny [PG])

Sep 12, 2011 02:28

This is for prompt 46: Heroes at hawaii-5-0-100

Call to Arms (Danny [PG])

In every life there is that defining moment, when fight or flight kicks in.

That fateful day, everything around Danny said flight and Rachel wanted him home.

But Danny is a police officer.

Against everything around him, he fought. Like so many of his brothers and sisters, he fought. He had the scars to prove it - physically and emotionally.

Every year he felt guilty that there wasn’t more he could have done, one more life he could have saved.

Every year he says a prayer for those who died fighting.

Every day he thanked St. Michael for one more day alive.

writing, fic, drabble, character: danny williams, tv show: hawaii five-0 (2010)

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