Title: Overjoyed
Summary: Mary & Matt decide to add to their family
Prompt: The word overjoyed.
A/N 1: This takes place roughly 4 years after ‘Shh…Don’t Wake the Baby!’. Joan is 5 and Kai is 4 and Mary and Matt decide to have another baby.
A/N 2: Written for the Weekend Challenge at
They wanted to do it right this time, but that wasn’t to say their first two times were wrong. They were more welcome surprises that left them scrambling when they found out.
So yes, Mary and Matt were going to have another child. One they planned for and would be ready for and not surprised by.
Over the course of two years they tried and weren't successful. Doctors appointments were made but everything was okay, just...not the right time, according to the doctor.
The third year they didn't try, but were ready just incase.
And 'just incase' happened just when they were going to give up again. The doctor confirmed they were going to have another baby. When the due date was given, it didn't take much for them to remember when and where they were.
"Your due date is September 22, 2018," the doctor began, "and your date of conception was on Christmas." He added with a smirk and raised eyebrow.
Mary and Matt rolled their eyes before looking at each other.
"You got me pregnant," Mary said with a laugh as she bumped his shoulder.
Matt nodded his head and smiled. "Yes, I got you pregnant."