Hawaii Five-0 Episode 309 - Ha’awe Make Loa (Death Wish) Thoughts
Aww Max you are too cute!!
Wow! Rumer looks so much like her mom & dad!
Damn, when did she get shot!? I didn’t even see that!
Haha VS model you’re funny
Umm so Gabby is out of town? How long has this been?
Oh Steve! you’re so cute
Go Max! Go! You’re potential girlfriend is gonna need you
Oh so that’s how she got shot!
What the heck is up with their heads?! Did they find some way to effect the camera?
Oh, he’s Mr. Fong now?!
So their shirts were behind the blurring!? Smart thinking!
Aww the models want to see Monkey. Too cute!
Aww the girls want to go first…who wouldn’t! ?
Wow, she’s really…deep and philosophical…
Hmm what was the motive behind the victim trying to save the day? I think he’s behind it…maybe? His ex definitely isn’t pleased to see him…alive
Nice to see Kono and Steve pairing up again
Wow that guy looks like he’s having a great time!
Omg dude is high and naked!
“What’s he wearing? Nothing. That’s right, he’s bare-assed naked”
Apparently they’ve tackled naked men in the past and this time it’s Kono’s turn? Well that’s interesting
Aww Max BB! Back to the reason I love you so much! You’re so damn caring! And he’s going to meet her parents?
A woman stalking the models? Is that a first?
Oops! You got tripped up! Time to make a deal!
A stranger offers you money to rob a bank? Sorry, I wouldn’t do that
Wow those are drastic differences in sketches
Who steals money and throws out the cash!?
And there’s the robber! Did he do something to the male victim?
Wow just in the nick of time, Steve!
And Jim’s dead. I think he was in on it somehow
Not that I really care, but what about the VS storyline?
Murder for hire?
Jim had cancer? And that’s why he wanted to see his kid? And I bet the reason he set up the murder for hire was to get life insurance money for his ex and kid
Crazy stalker in VS model room? Creepy!
Oh damn! That’s a big knife
Danny to the rescue! He’s kind of hot on my sister’s big screen tv
Okay, this is a weird case. Now I’m thinking Cordova tells Jim he’ll kill someone if Jim does something for him? Maybe? I don’t know
And now Cordova pulls a gun on Steve. WTF is up with this case! Usually I get them by this point in the episode
Danny’s not gonna like that Steve is missing. He’s going to flip his fuckin’ lid
Steve, I think you’re totally off the mark when it comes to Cordova
What the heck is this case about?!
The rest of Five-0 to the rescue!
Book em Danno!
Aww Max! you’re a sweetie!
And he got a kiss! Love him to bits! And would like to see Rumer on the show again!
Aww the family moment with Danny, Steve and Grace…and all the posing Grace did
Hi Kamekona and Kamekona’s cousin!
Steve, I think your jealousy is showing! Lol why’d you stop Danny? Afraid he’d actually get a number?
VS model wasn’t too bad.
Overall this episode was a head scratcher. The “main” case made no sense and the VS case was like a mini case? I just didn’t get it. the ending was really the only redeeming thing about it.
as usual, looking for a clip of next week's episode
3x10 Huaka'i Kula
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THE GIRL SCOUT/ALOHA GIRLS EPISODE! What the hell Tom Arnold! You shot my man then threaten my other man! You’re going down!
That look that Danny gives the group leader is like "woman, what the fuck is your problem?!"
Also tell me we find out more about the custody battle this episode! 9 episodes in and there’s been NO MENTION of it!