Badfic bingo card

Aug 05, 2009 20:54

Many thanks to mere_ubu and philips for organizing and running the Dorkazoid Spuffy Shippers group! In case someone wants a copy of the badfic bingo card, I uploaded it.

This idea came from a session at the last Writercon and I threw this one together pretty quickly. I'm sure there are many, many badfic phrases that could be added to create a few additional cards in case someone knows an equally insane group that might enjoy playing, so feel free to find new friends for the scrotum pole, spasm chasm, and purple-headed womb ferret.

Edited due to major linkage fail on first attempt.

ETA: The magnificent st_salieri has written a hilariously awful fic using the worst of these phrases. Not to be missed!

badfic, 2009, event

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