I don't take pictures, but...

Aug 05, 2009 13:40

...sometimes I write. I'll be working on this tonight, at my writing group, but I thought it might be fun to share with the WriterCon community, first.

To Minneapolis

For the check-in clerk from the airline
Starched and navy-blue
Who offered advice from here to there
To the confused and tired and scared
Couple at the kiosk next to me

For the man on the escalator
A patient father with an impatient son
In flannel teddy bear pajamas
So excited to fly
He was flying

For the woman in the middle seat
Who moved her bag, said "Sorry"
And didn't seem to mind that I snored
The entire two and a half hours
Until awakened to an upright and locked position

For the Bangla man
Who couldn't find my reservation until he did
And made change for a hundred in fives
Yet still wished me a nice day
And a pleasant stay

For the girl who sold me bananas
And the one at the apple chip stall
The man with the barrels of pickles
The flower sellers, roasted nut vendors,
Tattooed buskers

For the homeless woman
With the orange cat
Asking for spare change, a smile,
An extra cigarette
Next to a bronze Mary Tyler Moore

Thank you for your time
Your energy, your labor
For your kindness at midnight
And generosity at dawn
It was a pleasure to meet you

poetry, 2009, reports

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