Dec 12, 2009 10:01
1. I decided to get a PSP, so now I can ask for PSP games for GENERICMAS and have a system to play them on. Yeah, I just decided, there are enough games I want for PSP that it's worth getting one. Got Star Ocean 2 again even though I played it already on PS1 (as Second Story), PLUS I get to play the first Star Ocean for the first time :D. I do have a question. though: DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY I'M GETTING THREE HOURS BATTERY LIFE, TOPS? I'm not even joking, is the PSP's battery THAT fuckin’ bad that the time of a full charge to no charge is so short? I mean, wow. Jeez…
2. So, my first "Pilot Write" is over. What do you guys think? Is my whacked-out, zany Blues Brothers parody worth writing? Think I need moar Pulp Fiction references? And other maddeningly random allusions and crap? Will anyone read the darned thing? Am I using too many question marks???
I've already got the names of some of El(i)wood and Jake-tor's old "band-mates"
Lesse, there's:
Rebecca "Bec-Bec" O'Flaherty (on the har-moniker)
Raven "Bones" Cornwallis (on da drums)
Lucius "Lush" Brightman (backup harmonica, yeah, backup harmonica, how you like that, Lushy? Ha haaa. Also, falsetto vocals!)
Serra "Sister Bubblegum Princess" Angelus (saxomophone)
Erk "Did I do that?" El (lead vocals [!!!])
Lowen "Get Low...get low get low get low get low get low get low to the the wall, etc." Lohengrin (tambourine)
Priscilla "Feather" Cornwallis (trumpet)
Oswin "Beef Stew" Littlejonny (wailing on the slide trombone)
Pent and Louise "Bonsai and Clive" Palazzo (on rhythm guitar and bass!)
Wallace "The Wall" Wallachia (on the mandolin. sweet.)
Dart "Board" Avastino and Geitz "The Keymaster" Galley (on the flute and kettle drums, respectively)
Farina, Florina, and Fiora "Sis, Sisser, and Sissest" Romanova Gunnarsdottir (on the cello, viola, and violin)
Lyn "For the Win" Lyn (on the banjo. Why? 'Cause it's funny)
and the one man they can't do without, the guitaristo, the top dog in the kennel:
Mark "I'm secretly a dragon, don't you know that? Yeah, I'm half dragon and can use magic and a sword aren't I cool" Stu-art
I had more names, but I accidentally.