Jan 26, 2011 17:06
Actually beat FE11 (on Normal) a couple of days ago, but with classes started (and shoveling all this gawdamn snow) I haven't been able to share my thoughts on it until now.
Overall, I liked it. None of the characters or settings really spoke to me enough really to write anything about them at the moment--but again, I don't feel comfortable writing that without having played Book 3 or having read all of the supplementary materials. Well, okay, it's not entirely true that I don't have any ideas for fics: I had one that was basically Beck and Jake sitting on the back lines waiting for something to happen, chilling, talking about war, girls, and proper ballistae operation and maintenance (all terrific conversation starters, by the way). In other words, I don't feel like I "own" Archanea yet like I own Elibe (sort of) or Magvel (kinda sort of).
And I had an idea for a fic about Xane/Chaine, but I know nothing about his background. (Again, I don't know if this is for not knowing all of the supplementary stuff about Archanea-verse or if it wasn't detailed in game) Was he from a small village of natural mimics? Is he secretly a shapeshifting assassin that kills his victims and perfectly mimics their appearance and mannerism (because that would be awesome XD)? Basically, I'm wondering how much leeway I have to just wing it. XD
I'm currently playing through again on Hard-5, and I'm really blitzing my way through it (reading? Spanish exercises? Psh, what's that?)
Boy howdy. Let me talk about this for a moment. Chapter 2 made me want to curl up into a ball and cry for a few years. Then for a few missions it was relatively easy going...then Chapter 10 comes, everyone has silver weapons, and enemies have custom-forged SUPER JAVELINS!!! When normal enemies started carrying Brave weapons by chapter 20, I was almost relieved.