I don't think I have as many links as last week, but there's still a bunch of stuff going on.
First, there was a mini-con with the Devers in Sydney last week. The
forums at the con's official site have links to discussions and photos, and
main site has some nice write ups about both the Melbourne and Sydney events. Be sure to
watch the video clip from the Melbourne event. Seamus makes a hysterical slip of the tongue! (I'm assuming everyone knows about the big event coming up in Ryan's life, yes? Otherwise, spoiler alert.)
It seems Kate survived last week's "Law Enforcement Crushes" round, so
this week she's up against Ziva from NCIS. Go vote your conscious. ;)
I stumbled across this
Fashion on Castle blog when I saw the advertisement for
The International Walk Like Beckett Day - both fun in their own way.
And last, but not least... If you're a Nathan Fillion fan, and who in the Sam Hill ain't, check out the video behind the cut. He was on The Nerdist's TV Special on Christmas Eve. It's all geeking about Firefly, but I don't guess any of us mind that, right? :D
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