
Dec 21, 2010 12:41

I don't think I've talked about my hatred of receiving and giving gift cards for Christmas...or for anything else really.

DISCLAIMER: The "you" here is general. And this is just my opinion. Take it as that.

My deal is this: If I'm giving you something, I'm going to give you something I picked out especially for you and from my heart. A great deal of effort goes into my gift giving, so to tell me you just want gift cards is like a slap in the face. It tends to make me decide not to get you anything. The simple reason there is that gift giving is a choice by the giver. It's not a requirement. It never is. It never will be.

I don't have to get you anything. I choose to because you mean something to me. Even if it's just a card, I put a personal touch to it. Something on there is handwritten. That's why I quit sending out e-cards. Well, there was the spam too, but they were too generic.

I've also heard the whole schpiel about cards making it convenient for the gift giver. How? Searching for the perfect gift is one of the fun parts.

I just don't get that, nor do I like the whole concept.

Spend the effort thinking about my likes and dislikes and actually get or make a gift or don't get me anything at all. Yes, I'm even talking about money. Now you know my broke ass needs some of that, but I'd still rather have a gift.

That being said, I'm making gifts this year. Cheesecakes. Each one has a topping tailored to that person's preference.

But if I EVER get a Chia Pet, someone going to die. Lol.
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