
Oct 24, 2009 17:56

Since I just joined, I thought I'd *not* slack for once and actually do an intro post!

My name's Karisha, but I go by Khas in my online life the vast majority of the time. I've been writing since I was young, and doing it seriously since middle school. I write across genres: fantasy, romance, literary fiction, creative nonfiction, etc. (I used to do a LOT of poetry, but I haven't written any in about 5 years). I also don't have one set length; flash fiction, short stories, novellas, and novels are all fair game, though my last three pieces have all been novels.

I am 27 and currently live in CO. I went to college for creative writing (fiction), and loved it. I've only submitted 2 peices for publication, and one of those made Glimmer Train's Top 25 back in Jan '08. When my current (third) novel is complete, I'll go back, edit, and start querying agents. I've been reading a lot of fanfic lately (2 fandoms), and have been contemplating writing my own first bit of fanfiction. I have a writing blog at blogspot and a writing-specific LJ (but that's *mostly* abandoned at this point). I love to help crit work (any length, any genre). Critique groups were a great experience for me in college, and I wish I could find a good IRL one near me.

I think that's pretty much it. I write pretty much every day, and I love to read. I'm always up for reading suggestions, whether it's to improve my own writing, or just something you think is so awesome it has to be shared.
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