Me and My Childhood Self

Mar 09, 2013 19:29

Going through the list from Buzzfeed on why my childhood self hates me:

1. You like going to bed early
I actually stay awake much later now/in university than I did as a child, so hooray for that. But yes, my childhood self (and my now self) would appreciate more 2AM bedtimes as I get my best work done at night. -_-

2. You could buy the best Nerf Gun on the market right now and you don't
I'm not sure my childhood self begrudges me this one but she is certainly pissed off that I don't have that fancy Beanie Baby display cabinet I always wanted/that I haven't collected all the expensive designer Barbies over the years.

3. You enjoy a day at the museum
I enjoy museums about as much now as I did then, so we're on the same page here. They can be inspirational and wonderful fodder for my creative-self, just like they fascinated my childhood self (I was a nerd). But they can also be SO BORING that I want to stab myself in the face with a highlighter (somethings never change).

4. You have made no effort to go to Disney World
Childhood self would be PISSED. Adult self is slightly disappointed but realizes now that there are places more intriguing to go... childhood self doesn't believe these lies!

5. You can't remember the last time you played any version of tag
I don't remember being too terribly keen on tag as a child. I think I got my fill of it. I'm not sure my childhood self would be saddened by this grown-up loss.

6. You are getting out of shape
Childhood self would definitely actually be impressed at how "in shape" I am. Childhood self always wanted to be a gymnast (*grumble grumble, stupid parents*) and pole dancing is close. Childhood self would take the compromise.

7. You have spent money on a tie and dress shoes
Childhood self always wanted pretty clothes, but also VEHEMENTLY thought that people should be judged based on inner-qualities AND that ANYTHING that cost more than about 35$ as far as clothes/shoes was a complete rip-off. Therefore, childhood self would have mixed feelings about this.

8. You go through the check out line and don't buy candy
Oh yea, she'd be pissed. Point blank, end of story.

9. You eat your vegetables and you like it
I never had issues with vegetables growing up.

10. You listen to NPR
But I don't.

11. You haven't talked to your grade school BFF in years
My "grade school BFF", as you call her, was an introduction to the term frenemy, emphasis on enemy. So actually, my childhood self would give me a big old high five and join me plotting their eventual demise (not that I'd go all Carrie up on our HS reunion but...).

12. You don't have a hit single and you aren't touring the world in luxury
Childhood self would be pissed off. Childhood self fully expected university to be unnecessary because I'd be the 21st century version of Margaret Atwood by 18 years of age. I have let myself down enormously.

13. You spend most of your free time with a boyfriend/girlfriend
I WISH I did. And even as a child, I probably would have wished that my future self would. Prince Charming's are GREAT, don't you know? ;)

14. You smoke everyday
I don't.

15. You lie
I did as a child too, I don't see a problem with that.

16. You know how to buy Popsicles and that they are extremely cheap and yet you don't
Jumbo box of freezies in my freezer says otherwise.

17. You can stay out all night every night but choose not to
I'm not sure how my childhood self would feel about this. She liked staying awake but I'm not sure going out would have been her thing/was her thing/was ever an aspiration.

18. You didn't make sure there was a basketball court and a video game room when choosing a place to live
True enough. More importantly, my place doesn't have a studio and library. Maybe my perma-home will though... right now, I'm thinking that's a little unrealistic and I should just settle for a decent office and a little pole/hoop space. But we'll see. ;)

19. You haven't played video games long into the night for quite some time
I think my childhood self would be okay with the non-excessive playing of video games but THOROUGHLY DISAPPOINTED that I don't own a console and large screen TV. Former self, and current self, both really like video games. It's a temptation I try to avoid, just like cable.

20. You like coffee and drink it every day
I don't.

21. You are not the President, a professional athlete, or the King of the World
I know, right? What's up with that?

22. You don't watch cartoons anymore

23. You can find enjoyment from classical music
Fun fact, I actually enjoyed classical music more as a child than a grown-up. So there!

24. You are an atheist
I am not.

25. You have ordered salad off a menu for dinner
Fun fact, my favorite part of most restaurants as a child was the salad bar. True story. But mostly for their pasta salad. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, pasta salad. I could eat that stuff forever....
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