Apr 13, 2007 23:03
It's beginning to become clear just how little my life's going to be my own for the next three to four weeks, so you'll have to forgive the two ways that this could go. Either I will be bombarding the internet (possibly facebook (I'm sorry livejournal *stroke*) as it proves more likely to give responses and therefore further distractions) with updates about my current mental state or more likely the latest video of cats that Sally has forwarded me, or I will disappear completely as of this Sunday night, not to be seen again for a month. Which you'd probably all prefer, wouldn't you?
Extensive French Revision
Involved Project Work
London and Comedy Essay
London and Comedy Presentation
Involved EVS Application Work*
'Work' in the Off Licence
Hand in Notice
It'll be fine!
Note to self: write up a proper exam/deadline/revision timetable.
I can't wait to start scoring things off this list
*Because after a one and a half hour long interview with ICYE they have agreed to be my sending organisation, which removes virtually none of the scariness or responsibility but does at least make Mum feel better about my future.