Title: Switching Seats and Birthday Treats (Sequel to Jealousy Makes the Heart Grow Fonder)
Author: writer_ally
Word Count: ~4700
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Taydammy (Taylor Green/Adam Lambert/Tommy Ratliff)
Warnings: RPS Slash, Top!Taylor, M/M/M sex, rimming, language
Notes: If you don't like it, don't read it. Constructive criticism is always welcome,
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I don't know about genius, but I do have fun with this series, even if this part gave me some trouble. I already have an idea for the next part, based on one of the things that Adam says in this part (any guesses as to what it could be? :P) I appreciate the offer to handhold and cheerlead, and you know I'm always here for you to do the same with your writing.
I'm just coming up to my last three or four weeks of the semester, so I'm either going to be writing lots as a stress reliever between assignments and studying, or I'm not going to have any time to write and won't be able to post for a while. I'm hoping it'll be the first one, but only time will tell, lol. I'm glad I finally got this one finished though, and hopefully I won't be as blocked by the next chapter, which should be...fun ;)
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