Title: My Love’s Too Big for You
writer786Rating: NC-17
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Puck, Kurt, Glee cast, OCs / OC/Puck, Kurt/Puck
Genre: Angst, romance, hurt/comfort
WARNING: Domestic abuse and whatever that may entail.
Spoilers: maybe Season 3
Disclaimer: Watashi ha "Gurii" jushin no nai de kudasai. Which is supposed to mean 'I don't own "Glee", so...
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Little typo:
Turns out the douche chose a life in Vegas with his male, rock star lover over a wife and three children in Lima...
You mean two children? Or is there another secret Puckerman hidden in the basement? =P
And I like how carefully you read to point that out. But nope, I did some research (read: scoured Glee Wikia) to keep the characters at least somewhat IC, and I found out that there was a flash in one episode in which Pitbull starred as Puck's older brother. Le gasp, right? Ha!
Thinking back, one of the Glee Project winners is supposed to play a relative of Puck's. A cousin, I think.
And before I wrote this, there had been speculation on whether he would be Puck's or Santana's older brother. Now there's talk that he'll be a new Spanish teacher or something. So...he'll probably end up being Santana's relative, but considering I've already written a couple of fics with Puck having an older brother, I'll just say he's an OC.
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