Disclaimer: do not own Transformers.
Summary: A short Wheelie drabble. Sometimes, watching Warrior Goddess, Boss, and Mutt, Wheelie wishes that he was different.
Rating: K
Author note: Kind of late, but...Happy New Year, all!! : )
Also - to the prompters whose bunnies I have not yet finished: I haven’t forgotten about you, and your prompts will be completed! : )
Warrior Goddess is glorious, and majestic, as always. One glare from her and you knew that you were a dead mech. It’s just a pity that she was born human, ‘cuz she’d make one hot, high-ranking ‘Con. (Wheelie actually doesn’t mind the fact that Mikaela is human. The nature, the nurture-whatever a ‘humanity’ is made up of, Mikaela’s humanity is ingrained in her very soul, and if she had been sparked on Cybertron, she wouldn’t be the Mikaela that Wheelie came to admire. No, he wouldn’t change her in a million billion years).
Boss is alright, for an Autobot. Even though he falls to gooey, sentimental pieces at the sight of Warrior Goddess and Mutt, he’s still a decent fighter, and has a sense of humour, which is rare among the tightwad do-gooders. Plus, a big guy like that is worth respecting just ‘cuz it means that Wheelie won’t be squished underfoot. (Wheelie actually has a lot of respect for Bumblebee. Likes him, even. He just can’t get over the ‘Autobot’ thing yet. Just because he defected doesn’t mean he automatically likes anyone over on this side of the fence).
Mutt is okay. He ain’t a firestorm like Warrior Goddess, and he ain’t a warrior like Boss, but he gets by well enough. He’s the one that Wheelie took the longest while to get used to, but he grew on him like rust spots. Mutt is annoyingly contagious that way. (Wheelie actually kind of likes Sam, partly because he makes Mikaela happy, and partly because Sam sneaks him energon goodies sometimes. Plus, Sam keeps small, nippy dogs from making him a chew-toy, and keeps large, angry Ironhides from stepping on him. Which is a plus).
But, sometimes, watching Warrior Goddess, Boss, and Mutt, Wheelie wishes that he was different. Wishes that he was as gloriously intimidating as Warrior Goddess, wishes that he was as powerful as Boss, wishes that he was as contagious as Mutt. There’s just something about each of them that makes Wheelie feel that way. This soft, squishy planet must be getting to his processor. (Wheelie is actually just the tiniest bit jealous. It’s because they’re happy together. It’s because they share something that Wheelie feels he can’t touch, and-the Pit damn his tiny, made-of-antimatter spark-sometimes he almost wishes that they could share whatever that warmth was with him, too).
(Actually, Mikaela, Bumblebee, and Sam like Wheelie, just the way he is. Wheelie is spastic, and chaotic, and full of energy. He’s the kid sibling, the comic relief who just happens to a have a set of his own weaponry. Wheelie is already one of the pack. Wheelie just hasn’t realized it yet).