
Jan 02, 2012 23:29

How does this work?
It's pretty simple really - at the start of each month a post goes up where you say how many words you'd like to write each day that month. Then, each day the mods will put up a standardised post. All you need to do is comment to the entry with the number of words you wrote that day. Easy as pie. :)

If you meet your target every day of the month, or if you beat your target monthly total (days in month x min words per day), you will receive a small prize. :)

What's the point?
Really, the point is accountability. We all find it difficult to churn out words sometimes and it's far too easy to just say "oh, nevermind, I'll just write twice as much tomorrow"... and of course, tomorrow never comes, your awesome and amazing piece of writing never gets done and... well. We've all been there. We're not here to judge or anything, just to help keep you on track with your writing goals. :)

You mentioned prizes?

Indeed we did! If you BAMF your way into meeting your goal for the month, you will receive a small prize from the mods. Prizes will include icons, small ficlets, and graphics.

What happens if I don't make my total for the month?

Absolutely nothing. No. Really. Nothing at all. We're not here to punish you (unless you're into that, in which case... let us know. We have handcuffs.), we're just here so that someone will notice if you aren't making your word counts.

If you consistently fail to meet your totals, you may be faced with Kassie!Mod's disappointed pony screencaps. This is the worst that can befall you in this comm.

Why are slots limited?

Mainly because the point of this comm is being accountable to someone, and that only works if we can actually keep track of y'all. We may open more slots once we are comfortable with managing the comm, if we feel we can handle it.

All the slots are full, but I want to participate. Can I?

No, sorry. :( We hate to turn anyone away, but we need to be able to keep track of all our members. However, you can still reserve a slot on the sign ups post and you will be added to the waiting list for a slot. Slots will be assigned on a "first come, first served" basis.

What happens if I can't post here for a while?

Nothing. Well. If you vanish for a few days, it's all good. We know RL gets in the way sometimes. If you're heading off for a holiday, or if something big comes up that's going to prevent you participating for a long time, we just ask that you drop us a note and let us know as soon as possible, or beforehand if possible.

If you do not respond to any check in posts for a month, you will be deemed to have forfeited your slot. We will attempt to contact you after 3 weeks. If we don't hear back, your slot will be given to the next person on the list.

Is this comm only for fan fiction? Can I write original fic/essays/meta/other things for it?

Abso-frikking-lutely you can! If it has a word count, it counts! Anything with words is fair game. We'll support your essay writing just as much as your fic writing.

What else will be happening in the comm?

Occasionally, other types of posts will go up in the community - every few weeks, you will be given the opportunity to share a segment you're particularly proud of, or ask for help untangling a plot. We will attempt to provide various writing services, such as a beta post and links to articles on writing. At the end of each month, Astrid!Mod will get the opportunity to indulge her inner stats nerd by making shiny, shiny graphs of everyone's progress. However, in the interests of not spamming your flists, we will keep these additional posts to no more than 1 (one) a week.

I can't see anything except the FAQ and the Sign Up sheet!

This is a member-locked community, which means the posts can only be seen by those who have joined the comm. In order to avoid confusion, only those who currently have active slots will be allowed to join. An invitation will be sent out once you have been assigned a slot. You will need to accept it before you can participate in the comm.

Occasionally there may be posts that are public (beta request posts, for example, or writing resources posts), but these will not be the norm. All sharing samples posts will be locked, so that those authors writing for fic challenges may share without breaking the rules against public posting before posting dates.

I have another question that's not answered here.

Leave it in the comments below and a Mod will get back to you as soon as possible. :)


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