Title: One for Me
Pairing: KanonxTakuya
Author: nicchan
Rating: g
Warning: fluffy
Disclaimer: Don't own anyone~
Summary: Some how Kanon finds himself waiting for Takuya. He needs to tell him everything that is on his mind so he can make the younger one feel better, but he doesn't know where to start.
Comment: Well... I guess I will write more Kanonxtakuya since people were happy to see this pairring :3 comments are love
Kanon sat alone on a bark bench outside of Takuya’s house. Waiting for the other to walk by so he could tell him everything he felt and thoughts, even if they didn’t make sense. He tightly gripped his wrists as tired to keep himself warm, but his thoughts kept him cold.
“Ah… Kanon! What are you doing here?” Takuya quickly wipes his eyes as he watched the older bassist rise to his feet. “I didn’t think you would come over.”
“I know you said you wanted to be left alone, but this is important to me. You are important to me.” Kanon quickly blurted out as he threw his arms around Takuya’s neck and drawed him in as close as he could. “You shouldn’t be sad at all! Because I am here for you!” He tightly closed his eyes as he wanted to continue to blurt out his feelings but was stopped by laughter. “What’s so funny?”
“You always speak from the heart, it is nice,” Takuya pulled himself away from the other man and wiped away the last of his tears. “It is funny how you are always there for me, and I thank you very much,”
“You didn’t let me finish!” Kanon sat back down and stared up at the night sky. There were too many lights to spot any stars, but he pretended the sky was full of them. He tried to go over what he wanted to say next. “I forgot everything I wanted to tell you…”
“You can tell me the most important part,” Takuya sat next to him and stared up at the imagine stars.
“But it was all very important.”
“Well if you can’t remember it all then it couldn’t have been that important.” Takuya took Kanon’s hand as he kept staring at the empty sky, unfazed by Kanon’s shiver as he held on tighter. “So tell me the most important thing you wanted to tell me.”
“Well…” Kanon brought himself back down to earth and took a deep breath, but before he could even say anything, he found the younger man’s lips upon his and he didn’t even have to say another word.