I'm itching to post something, and I'm also itching to talk about Harry Potter Haven, so it seems about right that I merge the two together and get it all over with. I appreciate that as you read this you're likely to start thinking I'm mad, obsessed or just a really big geek, and it's also likely that you'll be right in thinking that. Still, it doesn't really trouble me - I'm perfectly happy to trade off my sanity to stay on HPH. Actually, I'll admit something; even as I write this I keep skipping over to the window to check my replies on there, which is very silly seeing as most of the other members are American and are therefore - sensibly - asleep at the moment, and I'm the only one online. Yes, and even after writing that I've just gone and done it again. Truly appalling... it's a case of wishful thinking, I suppose. "Now that I've said nobody's online, someone might be..."
Not so, of course. I don't have that sort of luck.
Of course, HPH isn't just about the disappointment you feel when you have no unread replies, or even the elation when you do have some. It's not just about the posting procrastination lots of us seem to suffer from either, though that does seem to be a general misconception of many of the members, myself included - damn you, Fun Stuff! No; a huge great whacking part of it is the community behind it, and that's the bit I think really keeps me there. I can't ever complain on this front, really, because I'm currently talking to another Haven friend who comes from Australia. Unfortunately it's my fault that I have no unread replies on this account, because I do owe him a few on my other characters. Oops. I think in order to make my excuses I'll need to introduce my main character to you first. Brace yourselves, guys.
Oscar Parker - portrayed very handsomely by the lovely Orlando Bloom, who I continue to love from those days when I was Hitler on Fridays - is a pretty rich boy who'll snog you if you're human and breathing. That's right, boys; you can't escape the charm either. He's not just any old sleaze, though. Honestly, he's not... he spent lots of time during his younger years learning from his uncle, Charles (oh my God, you just wait until I get onto him) all about the human mind and how to manipulate and charm people. However, perfect, smooth and sophisticated as he likes to seem on the surface, he's actually a big bag of angst and suffers from atychiphobia (fear of failure), is incredibly self-critical, has panic attacks, though he has plenty of friends and boy/girlfriends - including a professor - he feels like he's going it alone, and has recently - correctly - diagnosed himself with mild depression. It's got to get worse before it gets better, unfortunately... but I won't discuss plot bunnies, because they don't like to be discussed. It makes them anxious; and it makes Oscar hit me, which isn't very nice. He doesn't like what I've got planned for him, but it's all his own fault, really. He should be more polite when he's ordering me around, getting him to snog everything in sight and have a generally good time of it. It could never last.
That's my point, really... Oscar demands my time through physical violence. Yes, I'm perfectly insane; thanks for asking. The main debtor character is much nicer than that, and much less assertive; it's not fair that I should ignore Alex because he's a nice person, but it really can't be helped. You would do the same thing if you were handling them.
I was going to start on about Charles now, but I've just realised I haven't actually discussed what Harry Potter Haven is. My apologies. It's a roleplaying game set in post-Harry Hogwarts, and... well, how else can I describe it? It's the epitomy of awesome; that's how. If you're into writing and you know a bit about Harry Potter - you don't even need to be a crazy fan so long as you're clued up on the main things - then I cannot recommend it enough. It's a very warm community, and we're all very mad. The address is in my links if it sounds like it's for you, but here it is again if, much like me, you lose your way around LiveJournal quite easily -
www.rpg.harrypotterhaven.net. Now, come on, tell me honestly... have you ever seen a link quite as beautiful as that one? I think you know you want to click it. Yes, you do. That's right. Follow the pack of wolves, the ferret, the million pufflings and the boy in the pink dress to the magical world of HPH.
(It's also free; just thought I'd note that seeing as I've just made myself look like some sort of money-grabbing advertiser who wants your hard-earned cash in exchange for virtual happiness. Not that the only happiness HPH brings is virtual. I guarantee it'll make you smile, or you can have your money back. Not that I'm taking it in the first place... or digging myself a hole.)
I think that's quite enough from me for now. My other characters can have introductions if and when I talk about them, though I seriously doubt I'll ever discuss all ten of them. Yes, you read that right... ten. I'm not normal.