Title/Chapter: Slow Down My Bleeding Heart (01/?)
Author: amanda: jaclyn's twin sister
Rating: Over-all "R" for strong language
Pairing: Taylor / OFC [julie]
P.O.V.: Third Person Narrative
Author's Notes: Time line starts July 2003
Summary: Taylor's former lover calls after a year of not speaking. Does Julie have the courage to tell him the secret she'd been keeping from him? What will Taylor do when he finds out? Can they manage to heal their broken hearts?
Other Notes: this is a story I wrote quite a while ago. Then in 2005 I started a re-write of it. Since I'm somewhat stuck with Super Nanny (and I'm suffering from insomnia right now) I thought I'd post this to get my writing juices going again.
comments are ALWAYS appreciated!!!!
Chapter One!!! )