Biting My Nails…

Aug 19, 2011 03:49

So tonight, er… rather last night since it's now almost 4 in the morning, I finally got up the courage to do something that could potentially be extremely good. But I don't want to say what exactly for fear of jinxing it. It took a lot of fucking courage for me to do what I did and now I'm sort of freaking out… but it's okay, really. Although it's going to be at least two weeks before I hear whether I've been accepted or rejected. But a friend of mine is going to talk to someone so I'll get some extra consideration. So… fingers crossed. Or as my friend JennJenn says, fingers and toes crossed, which has been working well whenever she's said it to me recently. Pretty sure it's the reason my phone got here early. lol.

But anyway I think I might be an emotional wreck until word comes back… or not. Because even though I'm freaking out, I'm not. That makes no sense. But it's like, I'm only freaking out if I think about it too much and over-analyze shit. So I'm trying not to think like that. Hell, I'm trying not to think about it period so I won't start over-thinking it to death.

So in order to not start completely freaking out, I'm going to put my iPod down and try to go back to sleep. I have an early Borders date with Jaclyn in, oh ya know, six hours. lol. So here goes nothing!

P.S. pray for me!
Music: Evolove - Four Walls

Posted via Vita for iPhone.

anxiety, real life, employment, amanda is a dork

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