So I'm going to the GI today for a Crohn's check up. I haven't had symptoms in a year which makes me insanely happy and will make this appointment easy. Except that I think I have kidney stones. Can you say ow? Srsly painful. I've been taking left over percocets from my oral surgery bc that's what the dr gave me when I had them before.
I'm going to tell my GI about the pain. I hope she'll make me get a cat scan while I'm there and not make me schedule an appointment with my PCP. I really hope she'll just diagnose me herself that way I can get on with trying to pass this thing. Or maybe it hurts so much bc it's too big to pass. I don't know. Or maybe it's not even kidney stones. Whatever it is tho, it needs to get gone and now.
If I take pain killers and a nap the pain goes away and stays away for quite some time. But if I start moving around it starts hurting again. So taking a shower was nice until I began hurting. My mom doesn't want me to take any percocets until after my appointment. I just hope it doesn't get to the point where I'm practically in tears sitting in the waiting room. That would suck.
My mom's getting out in about 15 minutes so I've gotta go. I'll let you know how things work out.
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