Oct 22, 2009 12:19
So, I thought I'd give you a REAL update for once instead of just a twitter one :) So here goes!
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Yesterday was interesting. I couldn't eat or drink after Midnight, not even water, which completely sucked. I was so thirsty. But I had to do it because I was having oral surgery. After having an infection in my tooth, I had a rootcanal. That was September of 2008. The infection never went away, no matter how many antibiotics I took. So I had to have it surgically removed; and that is what my oral surgery was.
My blood pressure was through the roof, as in: 195/114. That is almost deadly. But it's because of my nervousness. And probably because I couldn't take my anxiety medicine yesterday before the appointment. I couldn't have anything in my stomach because I was having IV sedation. I just wanted to get it over with because it's been so long. I've had at least a 99.2degreeF temperature for over a year now, so I definitely haven't been feeling well. But hopefully this surgery will now help.
Anyway, they took me in and took my BP and were kind of freaked out. But as soon as they started the IV medication my BP went down and I was out like a light. The next thing I remember was someone asking me to bite down on some gauze. Then I got wheeled into the recovery room. I, of course, couldn't feel the left half of my face, but that wasn't anything new. When my mom came back to see me, Dr Scura told us that the infection had gone all the way up into my sinus cavaties! They also sent whatever they took out of my face to be looked at by the lab. Biopsies and whatever. I guess they do it for everyone that has this procedure. So I ended up not freaking out about that too much.
Then I came home and slept from 10 - 1. Then I was up for a little bit and then slept a few more hours. By five I decided I wouldn't sleep anymore so I could sleep last night, which worked. I slept almost till 6:00! Awesome! I loved it. Then I slept a little more and finally got up around 10:30 this morning. All in all, it was a lovely 24 hours ;)
My face was a little puffy yesterday, I iced it a bunch, which felt wonderful. But apparently going to sleep overnight was a BAD idea because when I woke up, I was so fucking swollen! My lip sticks out like a duck bill! So when I went back to sleep I got my ice pack out and laid down with it. Of course my mom took it away when she got up b/c you're only supposed to ice it for, like, 40 minutes at a time. She did some errands while I slept. When she got home and I woke up, my eye felt weird. I looked in the mirror and found my left eye was almost swollen shut!!!!! So yeah, while I would LOVE to take a picture and show everyone how freaking swollen I am, I don't want the pictures to float around the internet for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll take a picture and if you ever visit I'll show it to you. lol.
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So, it's almost November. You know what that means! NaNoWriMo!!!!!!! I'm actually thinking of entering this year. I'm thinking of joining up right now. I think it would be good for me and give me something to focus on. I'm kind of all excited about it really. And I think I know what I'm going to write about. I think I might be winging it tho. But that's only because I never really seem to come up with a plot or anything before I write my long stories. But at least I have a tiny bit of an idea of what I want to happen in this story. But not a lot of a plot yet. Hopefully everything will work out. I probably won't make the goal, but at least I'll accomplish a bit of it.
There are a few fanfic WIP's that I'd really like to rework into something original for NaNoWriMo. I don't have a whole helluvalot of time to pick one and then come up with all the plot and whatever else. But again, that's kind of how I normally work, just off the cuff, no planning involved.
So, yeah, that's what's been going on in a nutshell.j
How's all your lives going???
life in general,
oral surgery