So if you read last night's post, you know I wasn't doing so well. I did end up going to my mom. I even read her the post I'd written. She said it was good. Good in the way that I'm able to express these things and that I even expressed it to her. We stayed up till 3 in the morning hanging out, her shoulder my space to cry. Then when we finally went to bed, I crawled into her bed with her and of course Buddy didn't want to be left out. So it was the two overweight women and the 14 pound cat in the double bed. It was a squeeze, but it worked.
My mom stayed home with me because I asked her too. It's not that often anymore that I need her to stay with me during the day like that, but I've been having a few rough weeks and she's trying to help me through it.
So I pretty much watched talk shows with my mom till noon when Lynn and I were supposed to take Roy the chihuahua for a walk. I waited till one and she never called or came over so Mom and I left to go Gerbil Supply Pricing as I call it. Petsmart's gerbils cost about 2$ cheaper than the ones at Petco. So maybe I'll get my gerbils there. Or I'll travel to Salem/Nashua/Chester to go to a breeder where they're only 5$ a piece. The cost of two from the breeder is 2$ less than petsmart which was 2$ cheaper than petco. So yeah.
But anyway. I have a list of things I need and know about how much they are. I know it'll probably cost me at least 100$ the very least. But I'm going to try to buy everything before I get the gerbils. I want to have their home all set up for them when I bring them home
After gerbil pricing we went to WalMart which is under going remodeling and it's hard to find stuff. But we looked for the gerbil stuff there too and they didn't have much. The only thing I'd get was a food dish.... Maybe. I kinda like the ceramic ones better from Petsmart. Then we had to find the car stuff which wasn't too bad. We got three bottles of oil for the car in our entire trip. But oh! Can't forget that we stopped at Arnie's on the way home. Then I slept for about an hour then I knitted and ate dinner. Afterwards I knitted more and watch some of the AI final and some of DWTS final but I didn't see who won because I changed it over to Law&Order: SVU. That was a good show tonight.
Now I'm feeling a bit better and I'm fine to be home alone tomorrow. But Jen's coming at 2pm as per usual. Maybe I can get her to bring me to petsmart to buy some things I need to start getting in pro for my new Gerbies =D I can't wait till I get them. It'll be so much fun!
Anyway, I gotta go to bed now. I'll see ya in the morning.
Nighty night ♥
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