So here we are in Camden Maine. We actually made it. My little cousin Eliza was screaming and yelling when we called and told them we were 5 minutes away. We just finished setting up the stockings and my mom is writing a note to the kids from Santa. Now my mom is pulling out the couch so we can go to bed.
I would have written sooner, but I only now just got the password for the wi-fi. But I think I'm going to save it on my iPod so I don't have to always ask.
Well I guess this is it for now. We're getting ready for bed now.I'll try to update you tomorrow. So for now I'll just say goodnight.
Merry Christmas F-listers!!!!!
I love you!!!!!
Love Always,
amanda: jaclyn's twin sister<3
n_isfor_neville did you get your present yet?
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