Heroes Finale Squee

Apr 28, 2009 02:28

I love heroes, I do. I have very good memories associated with the brilliant first season but I had guessed/speculated 90% of the episode - it was not shocking in the least. I believe the entire fandom new what was going to happen.Could they have made the death of Nathan more obvious? they fail at previews....

OMG OMG OMG - Nathan has been a bastard since day one but he's.......THE bastard, I mean - he's just gone *bawls*. I'm glad it was him and not Peter or Sylar but migod! I cant believe they actually went there! RIP Nathan, you smug, self-hating, back stabbing bastard - I will miss you.

Sylar/Claire was EPIC!!! ♥
The Sylaire scene MORE than made up for the obvious plot twists. Hayden P. and Zachary Q. displayed their characters incredible chemistry in the first episode of this season and over the course of 25 episode it has only grown more intense. The hotel scene was the perfect amount of creepy with heavy feeling of foreshadowing. They are going to live forever and forever is a long time to hate someone, especially when everyone from your past dies.

The hotel scene was straight outta fanfic - I cannot tell you how may stories I've read that had had the same/similar dialogue, its so awesome! There was hair smelling, cheek stroking, and death threats all around. Perfect Sylaire. *beams* I love how Sylar was all, "Everyone needs a hobby." ♥

I was under the impression we were suppose to learn what character was the mother of alt!future Sylar's son Noah in this episode....where the crap was it? The peeps on sylar_claire are saying Angela's comment about hoping Claire would never have to go through that with her child was another bit of foreshadowing, the hopeless shipper in me wants to believe it.

Shippy Questions...
Hmmm, the ending left me cringing at the creepy possibilities now that sylar is shifted and believes he's Nathan. Of course it wont last very long as ZQ is in s4, but how will sylar be changed by the experience? Will HRG's newest act of deception push Claire away for the last time? Will Sylar!Nathan's relationship with Claire influence him when he re-discovers his true nature?

Other Thoughts....
Does Peter have the hunger? What will happen to Hiro? Will dark!Parkman will be wearing all black and leather to signify his new emo status? Will the New Company have to hunt down Tracy? September is too far away.....*sigh*

I am so obsessed I edited a fanvid after watching the episode....haven't done that since Merlin. lol.

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fan art: fan videos, spoilers, fan art: vids, ships, ship: sylar/claire, show: heroes

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