Kings Friending Meme

Mar 28, 2009 16:51

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cirrocumulus March 28 2009, 21:20:06 UTC
I've already done a Kings friending meme but you can never have enough, you know? :]

All About You:

Name: cirrocumulus. Yes, I'm a patsy-ass about internet security.
Age: 17
Something Random: I love indie music, mostly, and I will occasionally tl;dr or picspam about of Montreal or Animal Collective or Beirut, and other various other bands I ♥.
Public or FO journal: Mostly public. I flock posts that contain some personal stuff but that makes up less than a third of what I post, I'd say.


What you love most about the show: I honestly don't even know. I adore it and obsess over it but I'm hard-pressed to say exactly why.
Favorite character: JAAAAAAAACK.
Least fave character(s): Michelle, I guess. Though I don't hate her or anything. I'm starting to warm to David but he really needs a few more personality traits up in there.
Favorite Pairing(s): Jack/Anybody Cute But Not Necessarily David (At Least Not Until David Develops An Actual Personality)
Pimp a Comm Kings fans should join: kings_fic

Other Fandoms

Favorite Shows: Torchwood, Mad Men, 30 ( ... )


lusimeles March 28 2009, 21:50:39 UTC
OMG, your Favourite Pairing answer = exactly how I feel. I don't get the massive amounts of Jack/David love because so far, I don't see the actual chemistry between them given David's massive lack of a personality. Also, you are a Mad Men fan who ships Sal/Ken :o Friends? ♥


cirrocumulus March 28 2009, 22:00:05 UTC
It's kind of bizarre, because I've read more or less every Jack/David fic that's been posted despite not liking the pairing very much. >_> It's really the only feasible slash pairing we have going on so far. But, I do think Jack deserves someone with a personality more developed than that of a pillowcase, and mostly I'm just really curious about how he'd act in a relationship. However, if I were to buy Jack/David not only would David's characterization have to get stepped up a bit, but Jack would have to start liking him, for one thing. Currently Jack really dislikes David in a way that will take several episodes to turn around if it's going to happen.

Yes, yes, Sal/Ken! The episode where Ken came over for dinner totally surprised me but I really want it to happen now. XD I doubt it ever would but awww, it would be so interesting. And Sal is sweet and needs to get some love ffs.


lusimeles March 28 2009, 22:10:15 UTC
Lol, I've mostly avoided them because as of yet, I can't see the potential and would assume people only wrote them because they just wanted an excuse to ship some potentially legit slash? Idk, I know it's arguably 'canon' in the Bible, but like you, I want to see the show really develop it more before committing to anything. Actually, I'm unsure as to whether or not the show *will* develop it, since right now it's all David/Michelle, which frankly bores the crap out of me :(

I feel so sorry for Sal - he's kind of damned both ways. I'm pretty sure Ken isn't gay so I'd rather it not actually happen, but I like the idea of Sal pining away, evil as that sounds! But I do want Sal to find somebody who DOES actually share his sexual preferences and find some real happiness with him one way or another.


cirrocumulus March 28 2009, 22:42:55 UTC
I've read some stuff about David/Jonathan in the Bible and it does seem ridiculously canon, but so far on the show there isn't a basis for it. There is, obviously, ample time for a relationship to come up between them, but writing fic at this point seems like jumping the gun a bit because so far there just isn't an attraction between them. They didn't even speak in the last episode! XD David/Michelle bored me to death when I saw the pilot for the first time but I've warmed to it a bit since then. It's still dry, though, I agree.

Yeah, Ken probably wouldn't go for it but I'd be fascinated to see what would happen if Sal kind of went there. I don't think Ken would reject him outright, so there's potential for some angsty waffling, I think. Or not. :]


lusimeles March 29 2009, 03:29:30 UTC
I'm actually fairly sure Ken WOULD reject him outright, based on his homophobic behaviour to that one European dude who cut Penny's hair - I also tend to think Ken suspects *something* is amiss with Salvatore, but either can't put his finger on it or refuses to see it because he thinks Sal is a cool guy. Either way, as much as I like Ken, I can't see him being very tolerant in any way of Sal's homosexuality~ yes, Ken has layers, but he's also very much a stereotypical 1960's grown-up frat boy and would probably recoil from Sal if he ever got evidence Sal was gay :( That's my reading of the character, at least ( ... )


dancy_dreamer March 28 2009, 22:19:42 UTC
Yay another Jack fan!
He needs more love!

Also Torchwood FTW ♥



cirrocumulus March 28 2009, 22:40:05 UTC
Jack is so much love. I kind of boggle at all the people who think he's a whiny alcoholic loser. I can sort of get the whininess, though to be honest I think he has a right to be, but... some people just really don't like him. But whatever, we fans of Jack shall rally around him and his pretty, pretty mouth.

Friends indeed! :]


dancy_dreamer March 28 2009, 22:52:53 UTC
Of course he has the right to be, his Dad's like making him be someone he's not!

Oh his pretty pouting mouth is so much win. Seriously, he pouts A LOT *hearts;


cirrocumulus March 28 2009, 22:59:18 UTC
I think Jack is fundamentally fucked because I really don't think he could be a good king-- he's a wonderful person but he just doesn't have the personality to be a king, and obviously the universe is moving away from his destiny as king; and yet he can't really move on to become something else because being king has been ingrained in him as his only possible future since he was a baby. Which is pretty tragic.


dancy_dreamer March 28 2009, 23:08:14 UTC
He can fix it by becoming King and turning Shiloh into a 24/7 Gay Pride festival?


inthekeyofd March 28 2009, 23:09:35 UTC
I think he wants to be King, but really doesn''s hard to explain, but I agree, I don't think he has the true personality to be king, only because I don't think he can be as ruthless as he would need to be.


inthekeyofd March 28 2009, 23:24:05 UTC
I don't know what they are seeing, I have the same problem with my flist, a lot of them just can't see the Jack love and it's like..did you not hear what he said to his father on the steps? He's not what they think, the poor guy can't catch a break to save his life, he's put down and put out all the time.

We should rally..and that mouth..with the dimpled chin...*sigh*


inthekeyofd March 28 2009, 23:21:10 UTC
Torchwood, Doctor Who, Jack/Ianto, and the fact that you aren't necessarily shipping Jack/David, because right now I just can't either.

If you don't mind me friending, I need NEED more Jack fans on my flist, we need to spread the Jack love. :)


cirrocumulus March 29 2009, 00:11:16 UTC
I'm surprised there aren't more Jack fans, you know? I thought from initial reactions to the pilot episode that he would be a pretty popular character, but there have been more people recently who've claimed not to like him. He really seems like he'd be the fandom favorite so it's a little surprising. But I shall gladly go right on adoring him to death.

Friended! :]


inthekeyofd March 29 2009, 00:38:01 UTC
Oh my smack my ass on a cracker, you have a lip lick, followed by the lip bite ICON. I'm dead, DEAD! He's done that a few times, oh dear lord.

And I know, seeing as at least 99 percent of my flist are slashers, you'd thing, there'd be canon slash and that alone would do it, but nope, add in he's got all the characteristics that make for a great character, angst, an inner sadness, that turmoil and let's face it, the character that you'd like to see just be HAPPY, seeing as how he's been treated, even in these few episodes. Let alone, he's hot!

Oh well, more for us!!! I say after the next episode if the previews are any judge, there may be more jumping on the Jack caravan, but like I said to dancy_dreamer..we. have. dibs! :)


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