Title: Self-esteem
toiunplus Pairing: Tora x Nao, Hiroto x Shou
Genre: Romance, fluff
Warning/Disclaimer: Contains Nao's insecurities. I own nobody.
Rating: PG
Chapter(s): 1/1
Summary: Nao's insecurities about his appearance get to him at a photo shoot, and Alice Nine tries to convince him that there's nothing he should feel insecure about.
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I'm not sure, I heard about it from my friend so I'll see if she remembers. I know! I don't know HOW he can think he has fat cheeks or that he's not as pretty as the others. Shou's the same! I read this interview where he was all "Oh I'm not as pretty as Saga"... it's like goodness, do you boys own a mirror?!
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I was like... *covers face with hands*... I can't believe he said that.
Do you have a link to where I can read that?
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