Lycaon Scans

Aug 23, 2013 08:28

I got most of my Lycaon stuff scanned a while ago but never got around to making this post for some reason. Most of the scans are things I picked up while in Japan. The flyer I got from seeing them live, the chekis are for the one Nagoya live I went to, the trading card is from buying Rose, and the pictures came with the Rose single I bought at Zeal Link in Shinjuku.

I've decided to watermark everything but the trading cards so I can see where my scans are going and if they're being reposted or not. I hate reposters and although I can say DO NOT REPOST I know my scans will be reposted anyway. I know the watermark interferes with the picture, but I'm the one who bought/picked these scans up and went to the trouble of scanning, uploading, and posting so please respect my decision. I've adjusted the size for posting purposes but if you right click on the image you can get the image at its uploaded size.

Trading cards are won't be marked because anyone can get them.

I'll be updating this once my other Lycaon stuff comes in

Trading Cards




Zeal Link Rose Photoset

薔薇 ~Rose~ Photo

This came with the B version of Rose that I bought from an auction site

Free Magazine

When you see lives in Japan, staff hand you a packet with flyers for the band you saw, flyers for other bands, and sometimes there are little magazines included. These scans came from a magazine I picked up at Nagoya E.L.L. (Electric Lady Land)

...Hiyuu, take my money. If anyone wants I can try translating the drink recipes

This little column with Rito was one of three on the page. It specializes places in Nagoya. Quickly is a bubble tea place... it looks  like... not sure what Bautizo is. There's "pierce" written in katakana so maybe that's where he gets his piercings done? The temple is the Ossu Kannon which is literally down the street from Nagoya E.L.L. I killed time walking around there and the shopping street behind the temple while I was waiting for the live to start

entry: scans, band: lycaon

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