It's Winding Down...the ending of an Era...

Jul 14, 2010 06:05

So the break down of my days in Missouri is as follows...ONE more day at work...Thank God for that! Two days to go through and sort of pack some of my stuff. Just chill and say all my good byes. Friday will also double as movie night. J is inviting over some friends for movie night and pizza; also, M is stopping by for the night.

Saturday is the epic baby shower. I am supposed to pick up the package...a.k.a. K II & the baby bump by noon. We will then drive down to R's house where the party and general craziness will ensue. I believe the party is supposed to wrap up about 3 and I know there is swimming planned in the lake near by before we drive on into STL. It's going to be gossip, girl talk, and ohh and awwing over the other baby that has been born to our House. K I is the proud mother of our other bundle of joy. :)

Sunday is slated for the STL Zoo &/or the Science Center. Hoo Rah. After all that, I am driving K II back and working on yet more packing.

Monday I'm supposed to eat lunch w/ K the ONLY, man...I have a lot of roommates named K...hmm... I've had at least 4, maybe 5 depending on how you count K the ONLY was my absolute favorite roommate. We met in a How to teach ESL class. I ended up giving her some M&Ms because I have to have them sorted out by color and paired...ocd, I know. Anyway, I gave her all of my unmatched ones and we were instant friends...amazing what the sharing of chocolate will do... Ok, so not instant friends. I'm pretty sure we only talked a handful of times that semester; then she comes to visit me one day in November out of the blue to ask if she can live with me next semester since I was the only girl in a double room. Sure. Why not!

LoL. So that was the beginning of our epic roommate story. We shared 4 out of 6 classes that semester. But upper level English majors tend to stalk each other from class to class anyway. It really worked for us. We each bought books for two classes; shared textbooks; and we each carried books for one class a day. I don't think I have ever been as attached to the hip with one person before and not crave some alone time. But we didn't, we went everywhere together. All of our meals. Spent all of our free time together. We were like one :)

Funniest thing ever about us living together? We were roommates while our exes were roommates...I thought it was funny; was the source of no end of hilarity in our room. Of course there was a fair amount of cursing about the general stupidity of boys as well, but ya know, what can you do? So K the ONLY, best roommate ever!

She also came to see me while I was in England, Ok, so she didn't come only to see me... :) But we met up for 3 different weekends while I was there, and I gotta tell you; couldn't have come at a better time. I needed my roommate. :) So we meet up in Rome one weekend. Did the Roma Pass and all the touristy things. We hadn't seen each other in over a year and had only communicated through e-mail. It was like a day had never passed. We could talk about anything and everything and it didn't matter. We never ran out of things to talk about.

We were tired from walking all over one day, had seen the Coliseum and then went on to the Roman Forum. Surprisingly, the Roman Forum ended up being one of my favorite places in Rome. It was so beautiful. Anyway, back to the story... K the ONLY and I were wandering around, being ridiculous. We took a lot of crazy pictures and laughed a lot. It was a great time. I know at one point we walked past this giant ring where they used to train and past a row of columns and all I had to say was "Nifty" a whole round of laughter. THEN we sit by a little grotto type area in the shade and we take turns playing with each other's hair...who does that? Travel thousands of miles to see cities we've only ever read about and we sit down and play with each other's hair...LOL. :) See? Best Roommate EVER!

Ok, that was random. Anyway, eating lunch with K the ONLY on Monday on her way to see her family. Then T is supposed to be here Tuesday with the Durango. We are dropping off my bed and frame at Goodwill. Loading up all my crap and heading to Oklahoma...fuck. It's sinking in.

Starting to get a little nervous now...I'm going to hate saying bye to my girls with weekend. There will be tears I'm sure. Oh well, circle of life and all. Though, R did say she is going to roadtrip down to Oklahoma when the 1st part of Harry Potter comes out so we can see it together. That will leave me headed this direction in the summer when the 2nd part comes out. LoL. We are such dorks...

I'm am going to go finish the row on the afghan I started for a friend's baby, not any of the I'm making them blankets for Christmas. I was feeling crafty. :) I will have to take a picture for posterity...LoL. I'm half way done so hopefully I'll be done by Friday so I can mail it off. :)

Then Sleep! Yea!

*rant*'d think as many times as I've done a cut I'd remember how to do it properly the first time*/rant*

me: count down, housie: r, me: rambling, me: weekend, good memories, me:random, roommate: k the only

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