Title: Paintbrushes
Author: ohgoditsbriony
Exercise: [Week One] “20 Truths” // “Getting to Know Characters”
Characters: Sai & Hinata
Warnings: None.
http://ohgoditsbriony.livejournal.com/12651.html &
http://bigbanggang.livejournal.com/360.htmlReflection: I think Sai went pretty well, actually. He was quite an enjoyable character to write, and I haven’t really used him before. It sort of fizzled out as it went further on, and there were a whole bunch of SaiSaku references, but that's only because I love that pairing. I've since added my second character, Hinata, who's actually one of my favourites - but Sai sort of wasn't, so yeah. I think I've gotten so used to writing Hinata, that the facts I've included are sort of... hidden? I guess I've used her way too much.