Week 3: Two Characters In a Room

May 26, 2011 22:52

Excuse the lateness! I am a bit behind with schoolwork and rushing to schedule for next year, and get assignments done in my last 1.5 weeks of school.

Title: Lay It On
Character: Ino Yamanka
Genre/Setting: Angst/AU
Word Count: 500(ish)
Warnings: Eating disorders
Summary: Sakura and I, we're people who just happen to know each other, who just happen to know one little secret about the other that could easily ruin a social life. Two messed up girls, somehow exactly alike.

Title: Shadowgirl
Character: Sakura Haruno
Genre/Setting: Angst/AU
Word count: 500(ish)
Warnings: Eating disorders
Summary: I’m beautiful, I managed to tell myself, but the words always crumbled under a great weight and turned to dust, like some old insignificant poems or half-hearted dreams.

LINK: http://rot-chan.livejournal.com/47397.html
Reflection: Despite not having much time to write this, I liked it. The scenario was inspired by a book I read once. I think I could see this happening, perhaps, in a sadder AU. It happens to a lot of girls, eating disorders. I've always liked the Sakura and Ino relationship, and writing about them. It was harder to characterize Ino than Sakura, admittedly. 

week 3: point of view, author: rot_chan

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