(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 01:02

Hey! I've been wanting to write a story like this for a while now, but I'm so bad at writing actual stories. I'm more of a matter-of-fact type person, unfortunately. But I really felt like getting this out, so I wrote it in a newspaper article fashion. This is only the first draft. Let me know what you think! Thanks.

Is teenager to blame for missing friend?

On Saturday, March 19th, two teenage girls, Isabel (18), and Mandy (13) traveled from Queens New York to into Manhattan. The pair took the Q 15 bus into Mainstreet where they got on the number 7 train. From there, they took the L train to union square. Both fans of Rent, their destination was the Life Cafe, which is featured in the Broadway musical. Isabel confessed to police that her 18 year old male friend was meant to meet them there at 7:30. Upon him not showing up, Isabel was both upset and embarrassed. Her mother told reporters that she called her during the meal and told her that he had shown up and the three of them were having a good time.

Still having three hours until curfew, the girls decided to roam around the city looking for a bookstore. Somewhere around 8:00pm, they allegedly were stopped by a man who went by the name of Nigel. "He was charming at first," says Isabel told us after the incident; "but then he started giving us unbelievable sob stories so I started zoning out. Mandy bought into everything he said though." The sob stories that she listed on the police report include the following, "he said he lived in New Orleans, and his fiance also named Mandy (incidentally) died in the hurricane. He hitchhiked his way to New York afterwards but got into a car accident, which took the life of the driver." His stories were supposedly inconsistent and Isabel kept catching him in lies. Unaware of her age, Nigel kept "hitting on" the flirtatious Mandy throughout the entire night. Isabel became increasingly worried by the man's behavior. She kept trying to tear Mandy away from him. They even had multiple chances to get away from him, but Mandy insisted that he was sincere. "I don't care what you think! You're just jealous that he likes me and not you. Besides if things get that creepy, we can always call 911, silly," she would say. Not wanting to leave her friend alone with him, Isabel stayed with them against her better judgment.

After spending an alarming 2 hours with Nigel, they parted ways with him on the train when it reached his stopped. "I can't believe he said he would still date you after you told him you were 14. You're not even 14." Isabel recalls telling Mandy. "You better not call that number he gave you." "I won't see him again," Mandy insisted. "but if anyone asks, we didn't meet him tonight! My mom doesn't need to know what a pedo we hung out with." Isabel agreed not to tell anyone because Mandy had promised she wouldn't tell anyone about her male friend not showing up for dinner.

It's been three days since Mandy went missing. The only lead the police have is the name Nigel and his description as Isabel recalls it.

type: prose, user: daisy_adair

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