This I Promise You

Dec 18, 2005 01:12

Gah! I'm still having trouble with the whole "stream of conciousness" format. But I'm really liking writing peoples' thoughts. Hopefully I'll get better at it. Anyways, this my response to prompt #27: Hotels and Motels. It's kind of a first draft though. All thoughts are italicized. Feedback? Don't mock the 'N Syncness of it lol... I heard "This I Promise You' on the radio earlier!

Maureen was looking fine and smelling fantastic. Thank you, Chanel, she thought. She was a twenty-something year old woman, dressed in her best "casual" dress. She was calm, cool, and collected. For the first five minutes. She'd just spend the last hour alone in some seedy hotel. This is New York City for god's sake! Why can't we stay at the Plaza or something? Her older boyfriend Chris insisted that they stay there for the weekend. She wondered if agreeing to this made her one of those submissive women nobody ever wants to become. Still, no matter where they stayed, no matter what happened, she wanted to look good for her man, hence the effort she put into her current appearance.

He'll be here, she reminded herself, as she sat on the old mattress, fidgeting with her cellphone. He promised. Her heart was racing, her palms were sweaty. Ugh, great, sweating's just gonna ruin my make-up. I knew I should've bought water resistant. Why didn't I? But how much more money could I really spend on this guy? Okay, is it weird that I can't breath right now? Okay, stop. You can breathe. I just needa chill out a little. Or a lot. Same difference. According to her cellphone, it was 6:47pm. He's not THAT late. Is he...? Fuck, I just want him to get here already. Ya know, this is seriously rude of him, being late like this. After everything that happened lately... She anxiously tapped her fingers on the night stand. I can't take it anymore! She flipped open her cellphone for the 20th time. She promised herself that she wouldn't, but fuck that, he promised he'd be here she thought right before punching in his number as fast as she could. She didn't even remember she had him on speed dial.

No answer. She laughed bitterly in disbelief. Is he fucking kidding me with this?

They say history repeats itself. Maureen never really believed that. She wanted so much to think that Chris would be there for her. That he could change so they could be together. She loved him more than anybody else in the whole world despite their problems. She always thought they could work it out. Maybe they're soul mates, who knows? That's what she would say every time a friend or even a casual viewer would advise her to "dump his ass." It was obvious their problems were keeping them from being happy. Was there relationship rotting? Was it her fault? All she knew is that she was sick and tired of defending him when there really wasn't much to defend.

"I've loved you forever. In lifetimes before." Chris walked in through the open door. "...And I promise you never will you hurt anymore. I give you my word, I give you my heart," he sang to her. It was cheesy, yes, but it had sentimental value. Maureen took about 20 seconds to reflect back on what it meant to her. Although she'd forgotten all about that night, him singing the lyrics instantly her of that regular old night where they where waiting in traffic about 2 years ago. They were on their way home from some art show, and they were fighting about something. who remembers what? She shrugged slightly. Anyway, the fact that the radio was on, she didn't wanna talk to him, and she used to be a big fan of 'N Sync, were all contributing factors to her turning the volume up when the song 'This I Promise You' came on. She sang along, passionately, as if no one else was in the car. She completely let go. That was the first time Chris had looked at her in that special way men look at a woman when they're in love. "You're beautiful," he told her.

"Yeah, okay, Mr. 'N Sync," she grinned, as she stood up straight and walked over to him, in a greeting manner.

"No, please sit, baby." She watched him kneel down in front of her.

"Um, okay... I thought we'd open a bottle of whine first..." she joked. Then she realized what he was doing.

"Maureen Stein, will you be my wife?"

Oh my god. She was touched by the whole scenario. Yes! I should say yes. She felt like she couldn't breath again all of a sudden. She had a weird feeling in the bottom of her stomach.


"Are you..?"

"Not until you get me outta this dump," she smiled.

"I thought I'd surprise you buy taking you to the Plaza after this."

"That WOULD be surprising."

"I'm just full of surprises."

Am I doing the right thing?

type: prose, user: daisy_adair, type: prompt response

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