Tuesday Prompt Catch-up

Dec 08, 2008 16:44

Six Tuesdays in one go!  But no bonus Bunyip, bah.

Cleaning House

It was quick, at the end.
The realtor’s sign that had changed names twice
But came down before the vainglorious boast
Was read by more than two day's passing traffic.
There was no yard sale.
A coarse tweed chair (made to itch unwelcome guests?)
And matching sofa, their cushions gaping browned foam rubber,
Appeared one night. The chair was gone by morning.
The pink bordello lamp went, too,
Its rotund form and dazzling gilt found pleasing
By someone drunk on beer, insomnia, or greed.
The trash barrels were cornucopious, spilling out
Torn curtains in a plethora of prints,
A broken eucalyptus wreath in grayed and dusty green,
A pennywhistle split along one side to razor edge
(Attractive nuisance, that disappeared before the truck arrived,
The schoolbus coming first), and, layered in with tar-black shingles
Meant to patch a roof that hadn't leaked, the pieces of the train
That used to light the yard each Christmas.
A week, and the eradication was complete.
No trace remained of former ownership.

I'd never been inside.
But now whenever someone plays a pennywhistle tune
I see a dusty pink-bowed wreath above a silly lamp.


The words, btw, were: broken & green (2008/10/21), eradication & eucalyptus (2008/10/28), pennywhistle & train (2008/11/04, w/Bunyip), dazzling & rotund (2008/11/18), insomnia & itch (2008/12/02), vainglorius & tar (2008/12/09, which for me hasn't even started yet, so that's more than just caught up, I'm into the future).
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