
Jun 05, 2008 23:49

Greets, all! Here's my intro for you all to enjoy. ^^ (I must find the word for my intended meanings, yes?)

Name:  My name is David. My most common nicknames are "Tink", "Muffin" and "Niffum", though I have been known to respond to "jerk" "jackass" "idiot" and "hey you!"

Age:  26

Writing Experience:  I had a piece of short prose published in 1st grade. I believe it was...probably 3-6 paragraphs. After that I didn't write for awhile, then I started dabbling in poetry at age 12. Several years later I tore up all my poetry and set out to write novels...though I never got very far.

I did finally find my way back to poetry during my senior year of highschool and of all my writing capacity I would call poetry my second best. My true first are essays. ^^ I think short stories fall neatly behind poetry, though.

Preferred Genres:  I generally dislike reading poetry, though I assume that's because there's generally more bad poetry than good. I like to read a lot of fantasy but I am known to devour some Asian American lit now and again. I don't really like non-fiction so much, even "Creative non-fiction". Sci-fi tends to be too ZOMGSPLODE! rather than about anything, so I avoid it unless it's got character and meaning. :)

Education:  I took 7 years away from school after high school graduation and am presently in year two of college at the local jr. My major is English even tho 90% of my classes are not English related...even my "English" courses are Asian lit :P

Country:  USA

What do you hope to get from this community?  At the very least, a few extra eyes and fingers. Er.. readers and responses. ^^ I don't often edit poetry after I post it places, though I do like the responses as they help me in future writings. When I post short stories it is almost always with the intent of rewriting at some time, even if I usually don't get to it.

So... I'm hoping to get more thoughts. :)

Where did you hear of us?  a random comment in another writing community, though, not sure when or where exactly.

type: intro

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