
Jun 02, 2008 22:19

Name:  Jenn.

Age:  April 23, 1986. Twenty-two.

Writing Experience:  I used to dictate short stories to my father before I was able to hold a pencil with all the gravity of the very small, according to family legend. I was a co-editor and contributor to my high school literary arts magazine, as well. I really cannot remember a time when I didn't want to be a writer in some capacity.

Preferred Genres:  Speculative fiction in general; I like a blend. My absolute favorite is urban fantasy (I blame World of Darkness RPGs), which gets a bad rap for the romance novel industry, but we all need a little fluff sometimes.

Education:  I'm a sophomore/junior at Portland State University with a Major in English and a planned minor in Writing or Publishing.

Country:  U.S.A.

What do you hope to get from this community?  Serious, loving criticism from people who respect me as a writer and "get" what I need from them, who I can critique in turn to the best of my ability. No hard feelings.

Where did you hear of us?  The LJ search function!
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