(no subject)

Sep 13, 2007 21:06

( The Fire Alarm. )

This is one of my first ever shorts. I wrote it over a year ago and I've been editing it here and there since then. For my Creative Writing class, we are required to write a short story. This is the one I am going to submit but I am not that confident about it.

I really need constructive criticism, as long as you don't go as far as to attack me personally. I've received a comment like that, thank you. You don't have to be kind about it. Tell me straightforward what I need to do to make it better. I want to know if it is worthy of being submitted. I want to hear about what you think about it: the symbols, the characterization, the plot, etc. Don't just give me something like I didn't like it. Tell me why.

I would be really grateful. I know I am not a great writer. Please help me improve. I can't write under pressure. I don't think I can make something good if I am required to make something good, that's why I just chose to pick this for the one I am submitting.

user: no-chienne, type: for critique

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