(no subject)

Nov 09, 2006 23:10

So this is the first draft of a flash fiction I'm doing for imaginarybeasts. :coughpimpcough: I'm going to flesh the characters out more and add more conversation but the plot will essentially be the same. Does the structure work?

For some reason I've become a horror writer and I'm not even a great fan of the genre. o_0 Warning for violence and rough language.

They find me in the kitchen, surrounded by their bones. The floor is filthy and blood coats the table and chairs in a fine film. My son's head is splattered across the right kitchen window. I am gnawing on my wife's thigh bone. Their flashlight beams light up my eyes and they flicker red. I know they can see the monster I have become. The light shows it all. They say something. "Stop". Or "Oh My God". I cannot hear. I am past human emotion. Past human thought. I am the monster and the monster is still hungry. I lunge and feel the bullets enter my flesh. My blood sprays out and I hunch over, coughing up my blood and hers. I don't quite understand that I'm dying. Do monsters die? My eyes close and I wonder if I'll come back in the sequel.

It started on Monday. I'd been feeling odd all month. Like there was something missing or something I'd forgotten. The feeling kept growing stronger and stronger. Oh, my name is Gary by the way. Like the snail. My son Kelly loves that damn Sponge Bob show. Personally I think the yellow dude is a fruit but Kelly's only seven. He'll soon grow out of loving the soft and spongy things. I'm giving him a toy gun for his birthday to speed this along.

Shannon is my wife. She's my second wife so she's only his stepmother. My first wife died of ovarian cancer. It took a long time. You wouldn't believe how slowly cancer kills a body. Even crueler is how slowly it kills the soul. I met Shannon after she died. She worked in this pet shop and I was buying a puppy to cheer Kelly up. Had to send the puppy to the pound because it kept pissing on the carpet but I kept Shannon.

So I kept getting this feeling as I'd pass the mirror. The face looked unfamiliar and well . . . odd. That clipped hair, those sharp cheekbones, the weak chin. It just didn't look like me. I'd catch a glimpse of horns or a green tint to my skin. It was weird. Shannon told me to see a therapist but I told her only faggots and women saw those quacks. I was just having a moment. Yeah. A weird moment. It would pass.

Then the hunger started. I was hungry like all the time. I'd get up at two and three and four a.m. to eat. Ham and turkey and all kinds of meat. Rare steaks. I craved it. All the time.

I was sitting at the table at about one o'clock in the morning when I realized that I was turning into a beast. An inhuman freak of nature. The horns would grow. The fangs would grow. And I would start to eat people. I decided to get out. To go far away from the people I loved. I left a note by Shannon's head explaining the situation and kissed Kelly goodbye. Then I got into my truck and drove to my little cabin in the woods. I would eat deer and bunnies until I died of old age. Everyone would be safe.

For a day it was good. I killed and ate the animals. I went purely on instinct. When I noticed my skin had turned completely green in the reflection of the lake water, I paid no attention. I heard sirens and was taken by the police to a local insane asylum. Apparently my wife had called them, concerned. They found me eating into the side of a bunny like a lion and took me there as fast as they good.

I had therapy. They told me I was delusional. I looked the same as I always had, they said. But I knew different. The hunger never left me. I smiled and acted as they wanted me to, waiting for my chance to escape. They eventually let me go, convinced of my sanity.

Shannon picked me up in that pink dress I thought she looked so good in. It had yellow roses. Her smile was fake. She smelled of vanilla and sugar water. Kelly looked older, more somber. I wondered what she'd told him about me. She drove me home and fixed me pancakes as our first meal at home. I sat chewing it slowly, forcing the sweet down my throat. Kelly chomped like a trooper, with a young boy's bottomless stomach.

"I love you Gary. You know that, don't you?" She looked so frail there on the hospital bed. Her skin a paper white, her eyes bruised.

"I love you more."

"Take care of Kelly. He's a good boy. I think he'll help his daddy when I'm gone." She whispered at him as his head touched the pillow next to her. He hid his eyes there so she couldn't see his tears.

"Love you. Love you. Loveyouloveyouloveyouloveyouloveyouloveyouloveyouloveyouloveyouloveyou" He kept saying it like a chant. If he didn't stop, she wouldn't die. Her hand touched his head and combed through his hair.

"It'll be okay Gary. It'll be okay." Her hand stilled in his hair and he choked, the words trapped in his mouth.

She was dead. He felt as though his soul had gone with hers.

"Gary? You're zoning out hon. You need some sleep." Shannon smiled nervously and wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin. It lunged at her, knocking the boy away as it did. She screamed as its pointy teeth carved into her neck. The monster was still hungry.

type: prose, user: yachiru

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