Hey, guys! Thanks for all of your suggestions in
this post and the immense patience for waiting for us.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the great suggestions. It was much appreciated. xD We looked at your suggestions, combined it with our own thoughts and we managed to narrow down some possibilities about what to do with
1) Contest
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Multi-chaptered fics? This is just another killer for me. Most of us (I think) have stories to work on anyway, so producing a lot of prompts and then also multiple chapters for either one or a few more, it would, personally, kill me. It's too much. The one-shot that was expected basically once a month was a good idea. I don't know what else to say to you two, as Kit's on hiatus, so I'm just gonna say I think you can count me out of write_and_run if it changes this much.
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