And for those impatient ones following this, here's chapter 4! And chapter 5 is almost done too! *bounce*
Title: A Long Forgotten Kiss
Author: akinaj
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: After 50 years, Spike returns to Sunnydale and finds Xander in his parents' house
Warning: possible character deaths in future parts (not the boys though)
Author's Note: This started as a ficlet written for
kyrieane's Five Senses Challenge. After I wrote it, there were more questions open than answered, so I set out to discover what happened.
A big thank you to
adis723 for an as always excellent beta job. Any remaining mistakes are purely my own.
Previous parts
A Long Forgotten Kiss
Chapter 4
It wasn't big, maybe the size of a matchbox, and strangely delicate in its stark rigidity; the lines not much thicker than a hair, faint white welts on smooth tan skin.
A hand stole into Spike's field of vision, and he heard a gasp as Xander noticed the scar for the first time. Warm fingers followed Spike's as they traced the scar together, stroke for stroke. Spike wasn't entirely comfortable with it, but the look of earnest concentration on Xander's face kept him quiet.
Finally, Xander looked up and straight into Spike's eyes. The spark of recognition in his eyes seemed stronger as he said "Spike," with conviction. Then, as if as an afterthought, he pointed at his chest. "Xander?" he asked, looking at Spike for confirmation.
Spike's face lit up with a smile.
"Yes, Xander, " he confirmed. "My Xander, my love, my everything. Just as I am yours, your Spike, that's what I am, Xander."
Xander nodded, then folded himself tighter onto Spike's lap and snuggled close. "My Spike," he murmured before promptly falling asleep.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
While Xander slept, Spike contemplated his next actions. He didn't want to take the scar lightly or solve this puzzle on his own. But how to tell the girls?
How to tell them that Xander was alive, but hadn't aged and was without a grasp on reality and his mind was confused and without recollection?
They had missed him these past decades, almost as much as Spike had, and despite building lives of their own, they had never given up hope and their search for him. It was one of Dawn's contacts in Sunnydale that had discovered the sudden reappearance of the house which had brought Spike where he was now: in Xander's childhood home, with his long-lost lover asleep in his arms.
The thought of Dawn finally reminded him of his dilemma, and he came to a decision. Gently moving Xander and the duster until he could reach into the pocket, he pulled out his mobile phone. He'd kept it turned off during the past few days, and now when he turned it on, he was greeted by 17 messages, all either from Dawn or Willow, asking for confirmation of his whereabouts and for any news of Xander.
Stealing himself with a last look at Xander's peaceful face, Spike hit speed dial for the Head of the Watcher's Council.
It took only two rings before the phone was picked up.
"Spike?" Dawn asked breathlessly.
"Yeah. Hey, Nibblet."
"Howareyou haveyoufoundanything didyoufindXander areyouok isitreallythesamehouse isXanderthere…"
"Whoa, hey calm down Bit. Don't you think you're a bit too old for the WillowandXander-babble?" It was an ongoing joke between them, a silent reminder of what they had lost and kept.
"I'm alright, yes, it is the Harris' house alright…" he hesitated. "And I've found Xander," he immediately tore the phone away from his ear and covered the speaker with his hand to muffle the ensuing squeal. Only when Dawn finally had to breathe again did he lift the phone back to his ear.
"Listen Bit, I've found him, but he isn't in the best of states. It's a bit as if nobody's home, if you catch my drift. He recognised me, but I think that's mostly the bond speaking. I'm not sure how much he really understands, but my name's the only word he has said up to now.
"Also, there's something weird going on with the house. I need your help. Yours and Willow's."