Title: A Long Forgotten Kiss
Author: akinaj
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: 18+ eventually, this chapter 12+
Category: Future fic, angst, h/c, established relationship, first time, romance
Summary: After 50 years, Spike returns to Sunnydale and finds Xander in his parents' house
Spoilers: Future fic, set after an alternate S7
Warning: character deaths mentioned, but not the boys (this is set more than 50 years in the future, so it's kinda hard to avoid)
Feedback: Makes me write more and faster!
Concrit: by email, please
Feedback address: writan_bur @ livejournal.com
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Author's Note: This started as a ficlet written for
kyrieane's Five Senses Challenge. After I wrote it, there were more questions open than answered, so I set out to discover what happened.
Again, beta'd by my darling Ev0l Twin. Next chapter will be out on Tuesday!
Previous parts
After more than 50 years, Spike has followed a hint that leads him to Xander's parents' house in sunnydale, where he finds his lover and bond-mate in a dishevelled but unharmed and unchanged state. The house is slowly being reconquered by nature, but there is no decay, only destruction by animals and natural forces.
Xander barely recognises Spike and seems to have lost coherent thought and the ability of speech, but manages to remember Spike's name somehow.
Scared and unsure what to do, Spike calls up Dawn and Willow, now co-heading the Watchers' Council, and they arrive and investigate the house, casting a spell to detect magic. They brought an important object along, and while they prepare for the spell, Spike tells Xander the story of their love and how they bonded in a ritual attended by all their friends.
After the spell has been cast, Dawn and Willow investigate the house again, and make a few interesting discoveries.
Chapter 22
There was stunned silence after Xander's words, as everyone tried to digest what he said as well as the fact he'd returned to coherency.
"Bloody hell," Spike finally shouted before grabbing Xander and kissing him back soundly.
The girls just smiled, but the relief showed on their faces, as they finally relaxed.
With Xander not quite chattering away, but clearly expressing himself with few words and short sentences, activity returned to the house.
Willow explained to Spike how they wanted to set up a special circle ward to focus energies, before stuttering and fumbling her way through an explanation of what exactly the two men needed to do inside that ward.
"You need to create energy, primal energy," Willow tried to paraphrase it, blushing a fire-engine red that clashed horribly with her hair colour. "Your… passion creates the fire needed to burn in the new runes."
"Oh for goodness sake, Willow, just tell them they have to fuck inside the ward," Dawn muttered, exasperated at her lover's sudden shyness. "It's not like it's unnatural or anything, we do it all the time, after all! Hell, Xander used to call it "doing spells" when he was younger, 'bout time he got to do them himself!" she continued, smirking.
Spike's laughter drowned out Willow's muttered protests, but did not quite cover for the quiet sniggering rising from Xander. It made Willow smile and she finally gave up trying to hide.
From then on the preparations continued without glitch, as Willow and Dawn set up the warding spells and triggers.
Meanwhile Spike and Xander kept close together, reaffirming their bond with little touches and kisses, feeling it hum and purr as they tried to crawl into each other's skin once again.
And then it was time.
*** *** *** *** ***